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Posts published in “Letters to the Editor”

Letters To The Editor

WHERE’S THE DEMO? Letter to the editor Where is the Democracy? is the title of this letter. Reading through Will Parish's accounts of the struggle to save Little Lake Valley wetlands from Caltrans’ insane plan…

Bongo Bill

Editor: My name is William Joseph Newport CDCR#K14307, aka “Bongo Bill.” This letter has been a long time coming. I was a homeless man who had a more or less meager form of existence in…

Letters To The Editor

DISEMBODIED GADGET SLAVES Editor, Many years back FAIR, Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting, did a survey of people who relied on Fox News for an understanding of world affairs. Not at all surprising, they found…

Letters To The Editor

‘A BUNCH OF MOPES’? Editor, If anyone who may have read Bill Brundage's letter on the topic of racial profiling is scratching their head over the contradictions, or in latter-day terms — “cognitive disconnect” contained…

Letters To The Editor

DEWILDERING POINT ARENA Editor, Superintendent Cross of Point Arena referred to the document I requested under the Public Records Act as a “preliminary” document. This document was sent to the entire board and discussed more…

Letters To The Editor

FOR US AND US ALONE’ Editor, At June 26, 2013, Point Arena School Board Meeting under Discussion with Action an item to approve Point Arena School's Technology System Analysis and Task Force Implementation Plan was…

Letters To The Editor

Dearest Editor, Tonto and QueNoSabe (or QuienNoSabe) called each other names. One called one “QueNoSabe” (or “QuienNoSabe”), which means “One Who Doesn't Know", in Spanish, and the other one called the other one “Tonto", which…

Letters To The Editor

NSA INC. Dear Editor: Edward Snowden, who deserves a medal for exposing NSA's big brother surveillance on American citizens, is discovering the life of a whistleblower can be a very unpleasant life. In particular, the…

Letters To The Editor

YOU DON’T KNOW RALPH Editor, Any time the name ‘Ralph Nader’ comes up, it is sure to stir controversy. It is like waving a red flag in front of the Democrats. We’ve heard it all.…
