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Posts published in “Letters to the Editor”

Letters (Oct 22, 2014)

It has come to my attention that the AV Health Center Board is having discussions with Dr. Mark Apfel. As these are in secret we can only surmise the nature of the discussions. Nevertheless many in this community hope that the Board won't bungle these discussions leading to more confusion and ill feeling and make every effort smooth out this bumpy episode.

Letters (Oct 15, 2014)

I would like to address an article recently written in the AVA by Will Parris [sic] addressing some work of mine referenced in his article. Mr. Parris suggests my referenced article somehow ignores the continuing issues affecting water quality in Clear Lake.

Letters (Oct 8, 2014)

Okay, you Nattering Nabobs of Negativism, listen up. I know you’re tired, disgusted, and thoroughly pissed off by the Gigolos running this country. You and I know almost all politicians are for sale to the highest bidder and we know the highest bidders are getting richer every day on the backs of us wage slaves. And, it seems there’s nothing we can do about it. Or is there?

Letters (Oct 1, 2014)

What's up with the guy the County hired to replace Tom Croak as local public defender in Fort Bragg? They hired this retired cop from Palmdale in Los Angeles County, but now rumor has it he's gone. Maybe now some of our underemployed local attorneys can get some consideration.

Letters (Sep 24, 2014)

The Point Arena School Board Meeting was like a really bad reality show!

Petra Schulte from Fort Bragg Unified Schools gave a presentation regarding the importance of students having a healthy diet and exercise. During the presentation Superintendant Cross fiddled with her computer looking completely bored. At the end Trustee DeWilder stated, “I prefer a McDonald's hamburger, fries and a coke, it just tastes better.”

Letters (Sep 17, 2014)

I used to think that when social, economic and environmental conditions came to a crisis point people would finally wake up and work for change. But there is a water crisis going on in the heart of Mendocino County and it doesn't seem like many of us are paying attention. With respect to what Caltrans has in mind for the Willits Bypass I think the general mind set is: the horse is out of the barn, it's happening, there's nothing much we can do about it now.

Letters (Sep 10, 2014)

When someone is feeling suicidal on a Friday night in Fort Bragg, there is no Crisis Residential Treatment Center (CRTC) to provide the supportive connection and medical treatment the person needs. Privatization of mental health services means going to the ER and waiting for an Ortner non-medical person to drive from Ukiah to Fort Bragg to decide if you can get medical help.

Letters (Sep 3, 2014)

The paper has printed a number of letters from community members who have concerns and observations about the Anderson Valley Health Center and the care received by patients there. Unfortunately, many of these letters have promulgated significant misinformation. Additionally, a number of people attending the Health Center’s Board of Directors meeting on August 25, who expressed their concern for Dr. Apfel, repeated much of the misinformation that has been published. Although we cannot always comment on particular points, we can make general statements that we hope will alleviate some of the concerns.

Letters (Aug 27, 2014)

A Petition to Remove the Current Board of Directors for the AV Health Center and Seek a New Board, August 25, 2014:

Whereas the current BoD for the AV Health Center has failed to respond to questions from the public regarding the status and future of the Health Center and moreover they have undermined the efforts of Dr. Apfel to provide quality service and generally exhibited incompetence in administration of the Health Center, the following residents of Anderson Valley demand that this Board of Directors resign in its entirety and the medical practitioners ask for new volunteers to come forward to constitute a new Board of Directors.
