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Posts published in “Letters to the Editor”

Letters (Aug. 16, 2017)

I am very disappointed in Georgeanne Croskey's recent announcement [that she will not seek re-election when her term runs out]. First, she was appointed to serve out Tom Woodhouse's term without any say by the people she is supposed to be representing. Second, she came to this appointment with no obvious knowledge of county issues, nor of the constituents she claims to "serve." Her standard response when faced with issues and information is a cheery "I'll have to learn more about that."

Letters (Aug. 9, 2017)

Coupla weeks ago super-drunk dude crashes car at Highway 128 and Masonite Road resulting in fire. Dude arrested then released. Returns to Rancho Navarro neighborhood and kills an associate Sunday night in Rancho Navarro. One week ago a 911 call was made due to a bloody, machete wielding man seen standing on Appaloosa Way in Rancho Navarro. Both incidents were within a quarter mile of each other. No reverse 911 calls were made even though both assailants were reported to be roaming the neighborhood.

Letters (Aug. 2, 2017)

Thank you for the placement of the 45 mph calming signs. I hope that over time they will calm traffic. Unfortunately, as they were being installed there was an accident just down the hill from the southbound end 45 mph signage at Indian Creek Road and Highway 128.

Letters (July 26, 2017)

David Severn's article, Stealing Sam's Land documents his slanted perspective of the controversy. With the addition of a few facts to the narrative a different picture emerges. There was no theft of land and to say so is a gross misstatement. In 1910 Dr. C.O. Edwards who previously owned Brian's land purchased an easement to use all of the water in a canyon from the prior owner of Sam's land, the easement running with the land and binding on successive owners and binding upon Sam.

Letters (July 19, 2017)

The Hospitality House has become a major source of serious problems for local residents and businesses, with increased littering,  loitering, and more serious crimes, degrading quality of life and harming the local economy

Letters (July 12, 2017)

Serious improvements need to be made to mental health services in Mendocino County. The current system is not working. And it has not worked for many years. Today there are roughly half the services available than were available a decade ago. And the services that are available are fractured between the county and various nonprofit agencies.

Letters (July 5, 2017)

I feel somewhat sympathetic to the folks on Fish Rock Road about their desire to have it repaved. But only somewhat sympathetic because of "repaved." I, and many other folks, live on Schooner Gulch Road (County Road 504). We would love to be in the situation of Fish Rock. Specifically, a paved road with potholes in it.

Letters (June 28, 2017)

Do you AV guys and gals know that the UC-Berkeley Cal Bears power hitting first baseman is the grandson of Ronnie Vaughn? Yes, Andrew Vaughn is also a starting pitcher on occasion. I think A. Vaughn tied for the Pac-12 lead in homers last season. And he made the national team that will play against Cuba several games of high quality ball.

Letters (June 21, 2017)

Regarding the new marijuana sitatuion that has arisen. The County wants to put a bunch of restrictions on the types of land where you can or cannot grow marijuana and so forth. It’s state-sponsored, really. They are just wrapping their octopus like tentacles around the people to force the civilians who pay taxes to pay more taxes. That’s the only reason for it all. They don’t care. They just want to make it legal so they can tax it. And that’s that.

Letters (June 14, 2017)

In the June 7th article Promo Scam-A-Rama, Mark lumps the Arts Council in with Visit Mendocino and the lodging and wine organizations. I just want to say that the Arts Council gets very little of the promo money. The Get Arts In the Schools program is one of the things the Arts Council does. It helps local artists become eligible for small grants to teach what they do in the classroom. This money is not leaving the county for advertising but stays here to benefit local children and artists. Nobody is raking it in at the Arts Council, they only have a staff of two part time positions and there are never enough hours budgeted to cover the time they put in.

Letters (June 7, 2017)

Here at the Mendocino County Jail, my uncle Greg Caudra sits in a wheelchair. According to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) he should be accommodated since this is a county facility but instead whenever he is transported to court he’s forced to get out of his wheelchair, sit on the dirty floor of the transport van and then upon arrival, at the courthouse be allowed to resume sitting in his wheelchair.
