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Posts published in “Letters to the Editor”

Letters (Aug. 29, 2018)

I stayed in a village of converted shipping containers for employees on the American Embassy compound in Afghanistan. Each container was a one-room bed/living room with a TV, a desk and an attached bathroom. Each had a window. Concrete walkways wound around them. While they all looked pretty much the same on the outside, some of the insides were elaborately decorated. Other containers served as offices. Surely a precedent for quick, cheap housing.

Letters (Aug. 22, 2018)

Does anybody really know what socialism is? It's when the government takes over everything, it runs your lives. That's what the liberal, anti-American, pig sucking left-wingers want. They're all about converting our country to socialism. Unbelievable.

Letters (Aug. 15, 2018)

Our local fires have raised many questions, including who ultimately pays for the damages caused and how are those damages measured. So far the debates I’ve read have pinpointed the potential payers or losers as PG&E ratepayers, taxpayers, utility shareholders, or the damaged property owners, if they are not fully insured. An important point in the equation is that when facilities owned by a utility (such as PG&E) are implicated in causing the damage, the utility is liable whether or not any fault on its part is involved.

Letters (Aug. 8, 2018)

The effects of climate change are here now and by the year 2050 population is projected to be 10 billion and the food supply can only feed 6 billion - so we are looking at mass starvation over the the next 30 years with mass migrations, war and there will be rising sea levels with a good portion of land lost to flooding.

Letters (Aug. 1, 2018)

Finally I’m good and sick of seeing Philbrick’s “open letters” to the editor as a permanent fixture in the AVA, your lassie-faire indulgence of the nasty old reactionary parrot becoming less and less defensible it seems to me.

Letters (July 25, 2018)

My perception is that your paper is out of balance. Not withstanding the need to report on local politics, you print far too many letters and articles about crime and criminals. You have far too few articles about national issues, especially when these days the nation is going fascist in a hurry.

Letters (July 18, 2018)

The Mendocino County Planning & Building Department is issuing a building permit for the construction of a 122 unit storage facility in the heart of “downtown” Redwood Valley.

Letters (July 11, 2018)

There is a “spirited” debate about the proposed Drinking Water and Sewer projects going on now on the Facebook group: “You Know You’re From Anderson Valley When…” and as there is confusion and misinformation stoking strong feelings, I thought it would be good to ask …

Letters (July 4, 2018)

I was sitting out in my yard on Sunday about noon with an eagle eye out for smoke because Comptche is nearly a bomb ready to explode if we get a fire in this area with the wind blowing the way it is and as dry as it is and people all off away fighting fires.
