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Posts published in “Letters to the Editor”

Letters (October 2, 2019)

How dare the City Council consider this silly copycat project to make Ukiah like Cloverdale by narrowing State Street, an important artery to commerce in Ukiah

Letters (Sep. 25, 2019)

The bankruptcy judge should order PG&E to forgo any profits until it has updated its technology, hardened all power lines in fire-prone areas

Letters (Sep. 18, 2019)

I am not opposed to the SMART train in concept. What I am opposed to are the cost overruns above the original cost that was presented to the voters.

Letters (Sep. 11, 2019)

MRC and its careless use of poison in our county is an example of the built in failure required by high concentrations of wealth.

Letters (September 4, 2019)

We are writing to voice the shared concern about the PG&E usage of herbicides for vegetation management under the 60 KV power lines that span across the entire Greenwood Ridge

Letters (August 28, 2019)

I very much wish that you would take a less negative view of the proposed multi use path along the route of the abandoned Northwestern Pacific rail line between Ukiah and Eureka.

Letters (Aug. 21, 2019)

Hello Carmel, You have reached Holy Mackerel Convent of the Yukon. Here are your assignments for the next three months. Mop and bucket 12 toilets and garbage cans and do some laundry.

Letters (Aug. 14, 2019)

I am writing to voice the shared concern about the PG&E usage of herbicides for vegetation management under the powerlines that span across the entire Greenwood Ridge of the Elk area.

Letters (Aug. 7, 2019)

Every time we have a mass shooting in this country, and statistically we are nearing one a day, the push back from some politicians is, “Don’t politicize this!”
