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Posts published in “Letters to the Editor”

Letters (July 31, 2019)

I can't hardly afford any health coverage. I am living out of my Social Security retirement, and that is not enough to pay for my basic needs.

Letters (July 24, 2019)

I'm writing about this current fad of women, usually younger women but not always, wearing what are called yoga pants

Letters (July 17, 2019)

The best thing that could happen to Coast District Hospital and our community is if Adventist Health (AH) takes them over.

Letters (July 10, 2019)

Several of us concerned citizens of Mendocino County felt obligated to express concerns over the potential conflicts of interest Ms. Tammy Moss-Chandler has created for our county

Letters (July 3, 2019)

PG&E’s announced plan for shutting off the electricity is the most spectacularly stupid idea I have ever heard. The amount of deaths that will occur among seniors and infants

Letters (June 26, 2019)

My name is Savannah Bourne, and I’m a current resident of the homeless population of Ukiah. Three or four nights a week I spend the night in one of the trailers

Letters (June 19, 2019)

As a follow up to Supervisor McCowen's red faced phone call to the AVA, it's important to pause and to note this latest display of bullying behavior

Letters (June 12, 2019)

It is terrible that cellphone coverage was lost during the Camp fire. It’s also dangerous that a widespread power outage may occur for an indefinite period of time due to precautionary deactivation

Letters (June 5, 2019)

Mendocino County CEO Carmel “Boss” Angelo runs Mendocino County. She runs the county with an iron hand. Angelo is a control freak. And she’s ruthless. That’s why they call her Boss.
