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Posts published in “Letters to the Editor”

Letters (Jan. 10, 2018)

The idea, put forth by KC Meadows, that cannabis growers should not complain while they are regulated out of business by a bungling county government doesn’t make sense. The many citizens that have been making their living growing marijuana under prohibition all these years are now being told that in order to stay in business they must comply with so many rules, regulations, inspections, and taxations that it makes your head spin.

Letters (Jan. 3, 2018)

This alert is for PG&E customers who opted out of "smart" meters.

For those of us who paid to stick with our vintage analog meters, PG&E now sends meter readers out every other month. That's six reads per year. For the other six months, in between reads, PG&E "estimates" usage. Then, the next month, everything sort of gets caught up with the actual read. But there's a catch...

Letters (Dec. 27, 2017)

I was alarmed to hear that Supervisor Carre Brown "occasionally goes over her County meal allowance and has to pay out of pocket for the rest of her meal." It's always disconcerting to hear employee complaints.

Letters (Dec. 20, 2017)

At a recent hearing with Supervisors Hamburg and McCowen, the proposed changes to our Class K ordinance were discussed and members of the public were allowed to comment. The supervisors have been gathering information to support or challenge the changes. Out of approximately 12 speakers, only one was for the changes (North Coast Builders Exchange). The rest argued for the continued use of Class K, unaltered. The changes proposed would basically gut the ordinance, requiring many of the code requirements which make building a home so expensive today.

Letters (Dec. 13, 2017)

Waking to the roar of fire whirling around our home, the ringing from a landline telephone at 1:30 a.m. saved our lives. Our mobile devices depended upon our in-house Wi-Fi to receive calls. No power, no cell reception.

Letters (Dec. 6, 2017)

In his Letters to the Editor of 29 November, Mr. Philbrick asks many, 9, questions. I would like to try and answer one of them: "What has happened to this country?" It is hard to know where to start.

Letters (Nov. 29, 2017)

What has happened to this country? Where is it going? What has happened to our Constitution? Why can't we have it the way it was? Why can't we have some respect for law enforcement? What happened to the Pledge of Allegiance? What happened to the national anthem? Why all this disrespect for the flag?

Letters (Nov. 22, 2017)

History should now fuel the hindsight needed to correct our habitual ways. I refer to the consequences of exposed electrical wires (fire and weather damage) and ongoing maintenance required due to fire, weathering and weather phenomena.

Letters (Nov. 15, 2017)

Jerry Philbrick is 100% completely wrong. The liberals and Governor Brown had nothing to do with the Texas shootings, yet he blames them and calls them assholes. The killer was a white guy who had no problem buying his guns, even though he was a convicted felon. They've admitted he shouldn't have been allowed to buy guns; the US Air Force failed to notify the FBI. SNAFU.

Letters (Nov. 8, 2017)

Sunday morning a man walked into a church in Texas and killed about 30 people and wounded maybe 25 more. It just shows how vulnerable the American people are and how they will continue to be vulnerable until they learn how to protect themselves.

Letters (Nov. 1, 2017)

We are writing to encourage our community to vote for Measure B on the November ballot. Measure B will allow Mendocino County to address and improve mental health services, and set us as an example for the rest of the state!
