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Posts published in “Essays”

Valley Oaks RV Park?

Some Mendocino County folks are gasping about the possibility of the shuttered Valley Oaks food and wine center in Hopland, once known globally for its magnificent organic gardens, becoming an RV park.

Required Viewing for All Mendo Planners & Officials

James Howard Kunstler has become the gold standard for doom and gloom predictions. Kunstler may be one of the most entertainingly negative people in the Country about where the US is going and why. He's…


The Sonoran Desert which surrounds Tucson and extends down into Mexico is hardly like the sandy Sahara Desert of elementary school lore. No endless sea of shifting dunes here. In fact, the Sonoran Desert is…

Road Notes—Railroad, That Is

Leaving Union Station in LA, southbound, the first thing one sees is the jailhouse. We are immedately reminded that things could be worse. The building also houses the arraignment courts. Just to emphasize the point,…

Bum Rap for Harry, Not for Bubba Bill

Even though he’s had to perform all the usual acts of contrition, tumid with “deep regrets” and “sincere apologies” Harry Reid of Nevada is surely getting a bum rap.

Searching For Hope In Haiti

As if Haitians have not suffered enough already, living in what is often identified as “the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere,” now the earth itself betrays them. The amount of human suffering there is…
