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Posts published in “Essays”

The Hydroponics Monopoly & Medical Marijuana

Today, the American hydroponics industry is a rapidly growing, half-billion-dollar a year economic segment that is currently going through an important, wrenching, and necessary evolution.

America’s Stalled–And So Are the Young

Andrew Leittem Thomas, a young friend of mine, has written about the lowered expectations of a generation of some of our best and brightest. It’s a sometimes humorous but largely biting commentary on the times. The economy is stalled, and so are the young people who are tomorrow’s leaders.

Gluten-free, Loves Rabbits, Plays with Knives.

Jacob Hewko is gluten-free--but he's also one of the Mendocino Coast’s most talented and provocative young artists, breathing fresh life into the local art scene and creating images on paper that rival your most bizarre…

A Richly Deserved Humiliation

Republican Scott Brown takes over a seat held by the Kennedy family for over half a century and the dark cloud already hovering over Obama's White House thickens. By any measure the energetic Brown's emphatic…

And Then There Were 31

Out of the many often clamorous voices that have defined the Northcoast MLPA process, Fish and Game has chosen 31 to rep them all.

Mendo Media

My uncle, the late 5th District Supervisor Joe Scaramella, was an avid reader all his life. He described the county’s media during his tour in office in the 50s and 60s as “mostly duplicative and…

Facebook & Football

Due to the modern miracle (or curse) that is the Internet, and due to one of its miraculous (or demonic) offshoots, Facebook, an invention which allows people to broadcast their deepest feelings minute-by-minute to friends,…

Bird’s Eye View by Turkey Vulture

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably I shall begin. The much-needed rains continue and it’s very, very muddy out there but so far life in the Valley has been relatively undisturbed, certainly…

Farm To Farm

The pastures in our part of the Valley are swarming with opportunistic robins as the soils are saturated and earthworms are strung out like junkies on the surface. “Looks like the robins just migrated into…
