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Posts published in “Essays”

More Pot, Yet Again

Pretty sure the AVA is correct is saying the small-time grower is screwed. It will be like growing tomatoes in the back yard, eat them yourself and give some away to friends. The corporate world…

Goin’ Down The Road Feeling Blue

It is late August and millions of North Americans and Europeans continue to mass on beaches from Cape Code to the Costa del Sol, the mood of carefree seaside relaxation on the latter shores occasionally…

Everything In Moderation

In the spirit of imposing a moratorium on the introduction of toxins and insalubrious elements into my own personal constitution, I have almost completely eradicated sugar from my diet. I say “almost” because I have…

Little Rivers Of Time

Thanks to three separate repair projects, driving north from Cloverdale on Highway 128 is a joy that lasts almost forever. Eleven miles, dead stop. Five miles, dead stop. Four hundred yards, then slow, slower, bang, you’re dead!

Few Comforts For Old Men, A Travelogue

I call it a pilgrimage, a journey that includes destinations and people I very much look forward to seeing and being with. Tempering somewhat my enthusiasm and desires surrounding such excursion is the fact that…

Sweetcorn Diplomacy

Saturday morning we showed at the Ukiah farm about seven o'clock to start picking sweetcorn. The market starts at nine. No matter how tasty your sweetcorn is, it's always better harvested that morning, as the…

O.G. Ninja, Emeritus (Ret.) 8/7/17

Several months ago, while making my, oh, I don't know, thirteen zillionth lap in the last four years around the thousand square feet of superheated dust they call a yard, I stopped to chop it…

The Bullfight

On these dusty grounds, every year more than 30,000 fighting bulls are publicly beaten, pierced by gaffs, dragged by the neck with a rope, burnt alive by tar bullets, and beheaded in the midst of…
