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Posts published in “Essays”

Privatize the Animal Shelter

More often than not, I agree with the AVA on so many local issues but I really needed to address your article below as inaccurate.…

The Time Was Then

White’s Field, 1927 — Somebody must have been over to Willits last night, because the news spread: the circus is coming and they have an…

1984 Revisited

"Establishment" is now a meaningless word, with one faction of the establishment accusing another of being "establishment." Another co-opted term. In the 60's we knew…

Did Shannon Do It?

Every few years, desperate for attention, Darryl Cherney, or one of his surrogates pops up with a new suspect in the 1990 car bombing of…

Mount Tam Quandary

Sometime you can make a discovery of a wonderful getaway - someplace full of visual beauty and fascinating history - a place you could love…

Brown Eggs & Donald Trump

Spring seems to have successfully encroached upon winter's territory this time around. Our grass is thriving dark green thanks to all the chicken manure, and…

Box Car Diaries

Met Chuck at Klamath Falls airport per plan. We walked to Denny’s, had dinner, then went over to the yards. Arrived about midnight. Slept there for a few hours and then got 173 out at daybreak. We had the only open boxcar on the train. Each of us slept for several hours as we headed toward Bend. The train stopped for only a minute in Bend then headed toward Maupin and the Deschutes river valley. Nice ride – beautiful day. Saw a coyote and a number of deer along the way. Arrived at the Columbia River about 6 PM. We walked through a long dark tunnel and then to the bridge. As we crossed there was a strong wind blowing up river. We had dinner in the Wishram Lunch room; four beers in the bar then slept that night along the tracks.

Near & Far

We’ve had quite a series of storms this past week and the rain is continuing to fall. Several huge branches came down from the giant redwoods near our house, and we are fortunate none of those branches struck home. We’ve had two power outages, one lasting an hour, another five hours. In the absence of electricity to power our kitchen stove, we cooked an evening meal on our woodstove, and with our computers and lights kaput, I wrote a few letters by candlelight and Marcia practiced her cello.

The County By The Lake

When I was a boy of 10, I got into a fight with a French kid on a playground in Paris. It started over a…
