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Posts published in “Essays”

Some Written Words That I Wrote

I'm going to climb up on my soapbox right now and declaim, if for no other reason than I've got one, on something that may seem rather picayune and would therefore make me look like…

Paul Krassner Interview, Part III

Q: Hugh Hefner lasted a long time, didn’t he? How might history remember him? A: Fun Fact: Hef was one of the first to invest in Viagra stocks. Q: David Brooks in The New York Times called…

Paul Gauguin

Around 1870, at the tender age of 25, when he closed his office every evening, Paul Gauguin would leave the Berlin Bank, where he worked as a liquidator, and cross the Rue Laffitte puffing on…

Sidelining The Sideman

The one thing you can say about the all-too-familiar genre of posthumous documentary in which dozens of admirers bear dutiful witness to the deceased’s unrecognized artistic achievements, is that at least the departed are spared…

Big Idea Day

All day last Saturday, like the gladiator that she is, Marie Jones, Development Director for the City of Fort Bragg, conducted a public participation workshop on the old G-P mill site at the Starr Aquatic Center.…

Mafia & Trump

Sammy "the Bull" Gravano has been released from prison. He's the one who turned snitch and brought down John Gotti, then head of the Gambino "crime family." Gotti was part of the conspiracy to kill…

Vigilante Justice

In the autumn of 1867 members of the Frost and Coates families engaged in a gun battle on the streets of Little Lake that would make the shootout at Tombstone's O.K. Corral look tame by…

Step One: Admit You Have a Problem?

Like a lot of people these days, I'm watching a lot more TV news than I used to, and definitely more than is recommended by mental health professionals to remain compos mentis. Also like a…
