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Posts published in “Essays”

Paul Krassner: Interview Part II

Readers seemed to enjoy the Q & A I did with Krassner. So, I sent him some more questions and these are his responses. Thanks for all the comments on the AVA website. They helped…

Silent Hamlet

Many have had a go at explaining the madness of Hamlet, not least generations of high school and college students faced with faking their way through that perennial exam essay question: Is the prince’s insanity…

Preview Of ‘Shamrocks & Salsa’

The Catholic football community in northern California was divided between St. Mary's Galloping Gaels of Moraga, a Christian Brothers college in the East Bay, and the Broncos of the Jesuit-operated Santa Clara University in the…

The Price of a Pot Permit

Of the thousands of cannabis farmers in Mendocino County, 716 have applied this year for a medical cultivation permit under Chapter 10A.17 of the county code. The ordinance went into effect May 4. The county…

Another Loss For Blackbird

I don't think anybody would condemn the idea of giving inner city/at risk kids a glimpse of nature and/or an introduction to a rural/agrarian lifestyle. Doing such is not the issue with the greater Philo/Anderson…

Who Is Afraid Of Virginia Woolf?

Edward Albee died a year ago. He was born 88 years before in Virginia to Louise Harvey who gave him his first name. His father's identity remains a mystery; presumably he had abandoned Ms. Harvey…

A Trip Downtown

In keeping with the current trends of health and mindfulness, I try to be careful about what I put into my body. After all, it is the only one I’ve got, and though it seems…

John Huston

In the biography of a writer there is a moment in which fascination with literature unites with, even surrenders to, the mythology of cinema. When I was 16 years old, I ran away from home…
