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Posts published in “Essays”

Incident At Cuffey’s Cove

How did I go from a city council meeting in Fort Bragg on a Monday night to the wind whistling bluffs behind Cuffey's Cove Cemetery ten days later? The journey commenced at the October 3rd…

‘Machine Guns For Rent’

Amongst several other counter-culture proclivities, I have been anti-war, anti-weapons of war, anti-nuclear most of my life. In the mid- to late-1980s I started regularly going to the Nevada Nuclear Test Site to protest atomic…

In Praise of a Boring Life

There is a "curse" which is usually and almost certainly erroneously attributed to "ancient Chinese" sources that goes either, "May you live in interesting times," or, "May you lead an interesting life." It appears believably…

City Planning Workshop Goes In A Circle

Friday Morning bright and early at 8:30 am there were 13 people in attendance at the Annual City Planning Workshop at Town Hall. Nine of them worked for the city. The preponderance of chiefs in…

Jazz Revolutionaries: Monk & Dizzy

Legion are the books on jazz that wave the banner of “revolution” above the chapter devoted to bebop, the improvised American music of swerving light and impossible speed, incandescent optimism and  brooding melancholy that transformed…
