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Posts published in “Essays”

Visiting Friends In New York & Philadelphia

Later this week I’m flying to Philadelphia to visit friends that just moved there from Brittany, in France.  Then I’ll be driving up to New York with another friend from Philly to spend the weekend…

Giant Grant Score for Parents & Friends

The Fort Bragg City Council met October 23, in a fast-moving session that gave away $3 million bucks to the richest not for profit in the city instead of putting money into your long neglected…

Gettin’ Messed With By Texas

When I moved to Texas back in 1981, the first thing that struck me about the state, after the stifling heat, humidity, and lack of any distinguishing natural features, was its pervasive and thoroughgoing lack…

Bach Blows

For at least as long as people have talked about the weather, they have made music about it—from rain dances to pastoral symphonies, from the Paleolithic to Prince. Never mind that the ongoing destruction—and directly…

Friction & Heat

Next Monday at their regular meeting the Fort Bragg City Council will consider a resolution adopting a Code of Civility as a new permanent feature of our local city government. For those who have not…

Tomki Road Fire from 15870

A neighbor was rapping on our door knocker while my wife and I slept Sunday night. Philo, our eight month old Westy pup, too slept, assuming that the raucous activity would not interrupt our dreams. “Ed, you’d better get out here!” I got a bathrobe and opened the door. “Look over there!” I could see the night sky glowing red at the mountain rim horizon to the southeast, and also to the south. It was 1:30 am.

Zuzus, WhamWhams & The G-36

In a recent Letters column, a Mr. Tom Reier wrote in re: the linguistic impenetrability of Mr. Tone Dogg's tale of reggae and river shenanigans and bouncings around in some the region's finer detention facilities.…

Fire Fire Burning Bright

According to Saint Anselm of Canterbury, while faith naturally precedes reason, reason can expand upon faith. Normally I don't rise monk-like in the chaste four a.m. dark to contemplate neo-Platonic Christian scripture, but these are irrational times: fires burn out of control in Redwood Valley and Santa Rosa, on-ramps are closed, the white masks commonly worn in Tokyo, Beijing and open heart surgery are impossible to find. I'm in San Anselmo, and must be at the Healdsburg printing press at 8:30 sharp to pick up the newly minted AVA.

Katy Perry’s Gastro-Pop, Gastro-Porn Orgy

Seated on psychedelic Rings of Saturn beneath an arena night sky strewn with planets, stars and galaxies, and herself kitted out in glittering silver wig with matching boots, gown, and guitar, Katy Perry hovered forty…
