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Posts published in “Essays”

The Life Aquatic

The Chief made mention of the Fort Bragg Harbor in the Off the Record section recently, comparing it favorably to the Cannery Row section of Monterey Harbor, or at least the Steinbeckian version of it.…


The New York Times worked itself into a fugue state this morning of the MLK holiday with a front-page orgy of reproving headlines: “[Charles] Blow: Trump is a Racist, Period”; “Donald Trump’s Racism, the Definitive List”;…

Outbreak: The Heartbreak Of Psoriasis

This winter of my discontent reminds me of my last health crisis about seven years ago when the scourge of psoriasis inhabited me. I had to take oatmeal baths twice a day to combat the…

Fort Bragg Planners Opt For…

The Fort Bragg Planning Commission found out who they really work for last week. (Spoiler Alert: It ain’t you.) The Fort Bragg Planning Commission met Wednesday night to give the ax to the last remaining…

Dirges For NATO

That the world is in desperate shape was hardly news when, against the expectations of many, 2018 rolled around not long ago. Fires scorched the old year and epic ice greeted the new, all while…

The Ties that Bind

Anderson Valley is a unique place. The valley’s tightly circumscribed terrain, redwoods-and-meadows landscape and temperate (compared to most of the world) climate are similar to a scattering of spots up and down the Northern California…

Pot Legalization Arrives

The state’s roll-out of Proposition 64 adult use marijuana legalization is in a transitional phase where local approvals are used as a basis for temporary state permitting. At this point, only two Humboldt County dispensaries…

Welcome To The Year Zero

It's 2018, ladles and jellyspoons, say it with me. Add ’em up and say it out loud, two thousand and eighteen years since — well, that's all speculation. A great many things are alleged to…

No Tin Foil Hats Redux

Many UFO researchers, authors and knowledgeable enthusiasts have been basking in vindication and a measure of schadenfreude after front page stories in The New York Times, The Washington Post, and revealed that the Defense…
