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Posts published in “News”

People’s Park, Boonville

Last week’s story of the Boonville People’s Park background promised that this week would reveal the details of the $178,000 funding recently awarded to the…

Sherwood Oaks’ New Lease On Life

Sherwood Oaks, the Mendocino Coast's only nursing home, appears to have a new lease on life after announcements made at a special Mendocino Coast Healthcare…

CEO Angelo Departs: ‘I Did What It Takes’

Carmel Angelo shrugs off a chorus of criticism as she nears her final day as CEO of the County of Mendocino, the region’s largest employer.…

Coast Healthcare Dilemmas

At a February 3 zoom forum, Jason Wells, the former Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Adventist Health (AH) for Mendocino County and current leader of…

County Notes (February 24, 2022)

Mendo’s Slo-Mo Betrayal of Measure V On Monday, December 16, 2019 The Board of Supervisors discussed “Possible Action Regarding Implementation of Measure V, ‘Declaring Intentionally…

Off the Record (February 23, 2022)

EMERALD SUN SETS: A couple of licensed Mendo pot growers who were supplying primo bud to Emerald Sun, the newish Ukiah bud wholesaler, tell us…

A Bright Future for Sherwood Oaks

Sherwood Oaks Nursing Home in Ft. Bragg has undergone a change in ownership and management that is expected to significantly bolster the facility.  The new…

PG&E On the Loose Again

PG&E’s probation was imposed 5 years ago after the fiery and deadly San Bruno gas explosion, ended last week. Judge Alsup’s final remarks were grim,…

The Official Historian of the 1960s

Todd Gitlin died last week at age 79. The New York Times gave him a rave review in the obituary section and on the op-ed…
