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Posts published in “News”

From the Blogs: Dalton Denied in Federal Court

John Dalton, whose travails with Mendo's drug cops more than a decade ago led to a civil rights lawsuit filed last November, was denied in San Francisco Federal District Court April 21.

From the Blogs: DA Lintott Files for Bankruptcy

Swamped by $1 million in debt despite a combined annual income of $204,000, DA Meredith Lintott and her husband are seeking protection from creditors in federal bankruptcy court in Santa Rosa.

Log Rustling, Fort Bragg Style

How an enterprising fisherman and timber worker lost almost half a million in lumber on the Mendo Coast.

Lives & Times of Valley Folks: Sheila Hibbs

I met Sheila at her unusual but very quaint home in an A-Frame building on the Mathias Ranch a few miles south of Boonville. After showing me just a few of her many different collectibles,…

The Ukiah Legalization Forum: Mainstreaming Marijuana

In response to worries among the cannabis community about how legalization would affect the pocketbooks of growers and the region at large, the Mendocino Medical Marijuana Advisory Board (MMMAB) convened a forum and workshop in…

Campaign Notes

WE ARE GRATIFIED to see Fifth District Supes candidate Dan Hamburg support a few things we've advocated for a long time.

Who’s In Charge?

Community Services District Manager Serina Wallace has suggested to the Community Services District board that they change the way they budget district operations. Instead of most of the money coming into the fire department and…
