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Posts published in “News”

When An LA Cop Meets A Westport Bush Hippy

An LA cop was deer hunting with a 12-year-old kid north of Westport. The cop and the kid didn't know they were in a bush hippy neighborhood. * The LA cop was armed with a…

Off The Record

ALTHOUGH MENDOCINO COUNTY law enforcement, from the Sheriff’s Department to the DA’s Office, seems unanimous in their conviction that Dr. Peter Keegan murdered his wife of 30 years, Susan Keegan, the case against the Ukiah…

Mendocino County Today: May 1/2

THE PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY, TUESDAY, JUNE 5TH, 2012 — THE AVA RECOMMENDS: • PRESIDENT: There's no choice. Both candidates represent the concentrations of wealth that have brought us to where we are, which is rolling, unaddressed…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. And what better start than to mention the excellent event that I attended on Sunday at the Navarro Winery as part of…

HumCo Supes Back Pot-Related Power Cap

The enrollment of some indoor marijuana growers in low income energy assistance programs is being targeted by a state bill and county supervisors are supporting it. Senate Bill 1207 is being considered by state lawmakers…

Redevelopment: The Party’s Over

The theory of “redevelopment” is that public agencies borrow money they then put to public or private purpose to increase the borrower's tax base. The tax base thus magically broadened, the public agency pays back…

Murder At The Campground

The dispatcher heard it all, the 911 murder of Jose Madrid by Glenn Hughes. It was recorded live early last New Year’s morning, and replayed in court last week during Hughes’s preliminary hearing. Even the…
