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Posts published in “News”

Send The Message

At the sentencing phase of Timothy Elliott’s murder trial last week, a Pomo woman asked the judge to “send a message to the rest of…

The True State Of The Nation

“You must go to AA meetings everyday,” instructed Judge Clayton Brennan to John Bowman in Fort Bragg’s Ten Mile Courtroom last Tuesday. Bowman was in…

Winning The Battle, Losing The War

Sean Bradley Hammon was arraigned on July 7th. Visiting Judge William Lamb refused to set bail on a charge of driving under the influence. Hammon's…

Hamburg & The Bubble Bath People

After last week's County Redistricting Committee meeting was adjourned, Supervisor Dan Hamburg ambled in to privately discuss the Committee’s work with a few of the…

Off The Record

This Week: Operation Full Court Press; Labor talks on the rocks; Smith & Hamburg state the obvious; and much more

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. The annual Men’s Tug ‘o War Championship, held at the Olde Time…

What Is Mendocino County’s Energy Plan?

In the grand and tangled scheme that is California's energy infrastructure, Mendocino County is but a tiny out of the way spur. As a market…

‘Destroying The Beauty Of Our Place’

It remains to be seen whether, under increasing pressure, Artesa will persist in its plan to develop the biggest forest-to-vineyard conversion in the state.
