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Posts published in “News”

Getting Out From Under Affinito

Dominic Affinito still enjoys an annual $316,000 lease agreement with Mendocino County, a deal engineered by Kendell Smith's incompetent predecessor Patti Campbell, for the barn-like Fort Bragg Social Services building.

Please Don’t Quote Me On That

“Everyone around here’s so gutless,” a defense lawyer exclaimed in frustration at the rulings of local judges, quickly adding, “Oh, don’t print that!” A number…

Off The Record

This Week: Owings, Skidmore & Blah Blah in Ukiah; Smith & Affinito in Fort Bragg; Fire protection in the hills; and much more.

Guerrero’s Tire Shop Raided

Last Thursday afternoon (July 7th), detectives from Napa County, reinforced by the Mendocino County Sheriff's Department, descended on the Guerrero Tire Shop in downtown Boonville…

People Who Belong To The Land

According to Violet Parrish Chappell, 82, traditionalist and historian of the Kashia Band of Pomo Indians, her people's name – their real name, not the…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. I am writing this on the morning of the Olde Time July…

Lives & Times Of Valley Folks: Jim Hill

I drove out of the heart of the Valley and headed south, past ‘downtown’ Yorkville and at the 44-mile marker I turned into the driveway…

A Tree Growing Below Barbed Wire

“That a war of extermination will continue to be waged between the races, until the Indian race becomes extinct, must be expected. While we cannot…

A Not-So Sunny Fourth

It’s easy to see why people take a shine to Sunny Edwards. She’s pretty and personable with a warm smile, and somehow while in jail…
