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Posts published in “News”

But What About The Letters?

Last Wednesday night the Community Services District board convened to hear public comment on the healing center proposed by Laura Hamburg for downtown Boonville. Most…

The Rogue’s March

“This is the most repulsive case I have ever seen,” Judge Richard Henderson declared as he took up the sordid matter of Steven J. Henry,…

High Stakes Gambling

A couple of white women have beent busted for embezzling money from the ShoKaWa casino on the Hopland Rancheria. Roberta L. Reeder and Mary Ann…

Panthers Continue Winning Streak

Note: The report below speaks of football when to some readers it means soccer or perhaps futbol. Last Wednesday afternoon, the Panthers traveled down to…

Farm To Farm

A steady mist descends from the vague cloud cover, preventing me yet again from ascending the barn roof to repair the flapping, corrugated steel. "You…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. The early reports on attendance at this year’s County Fair in the…

A Day Of Infamy In Lakeport

If you're a First Nations tribe in Lake County, California, United States of America, you can provide 100 painstaking pages proving under the federal government's…

Appropriate Measures

“This is one of those drinking and camping offenses,” public defender Linda Thompson said of her client, Dena Morris. “Drinking” means she had an open…
