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Posts published in “News”

Biting The Bullet

On July 9th, Ira Bowes was walking along UP Ave­nue in Covelo, and as he passed the Hanover residence, he became the object of what…

Who Stole Tony Sanchez’s Guns?

Judge Richard Henderson found enough evidence at a preliminary hearing last Wednesday to bind Xavier Francis over for trial for the theft of five rifles…

One Played & Won; Two Canceled!

The report below speaks of football when to some readers it means soccer, or perhaps futbol to others. Last Wednesday afternoon, the Panthers were well prepared…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all - if you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. Update from the AVA’s Supreme Leader Bruce Anderson, who has been…

The Real Frost Protection Conspiracy

The primary mandate of the California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB), a division of the California Environmental Protection Agency, is to ensure adequate water…

You Can’t Participate

Last Tuesday, the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors spent more than half an hour aimlessly discussing Mendocino County's “Legislative Platform.” O mi o my o…

St. Mary’s Hospital: A Love Letter

The morning of July 23rd I woke up with a stomachache. By noon the stomachache was bending me in half but, like a true child…

Off The Record

THE MOST INTERESTING THING about former SoCo winemaker LaMarion Spence’s idea to help wine tasters avoid DUI arrests (not mentioned in the Press Democrat’s story…
