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Posts published in “News”

Hendy Woods Should Not Be Closed

Kathy Bailey appeared before the Community Services District Board last week to urge the Board to help save Hendy Woods State Park from its scheduled…

Off The Record

This Week: CalTrans really doesn't like us; CAMP, er, Marijuana Price Support Unit; Libs saying nice things about libs; and much more

Marijuana Mirrors In Arcata

The four-dimensional hall of mirrors that comprises US cannabis law has gained some fresh, Arcata-style mutations. Steven Gasparas’ Sai Center marijuajna dispensary in downtown Arcata…

Farm To Farm

The weather turned out sunny and gorgeous, if a bit breezy, for the 43rd annual “Old Verona Days” festival, this past weekend. Judging by the…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. The Candidates for the upcoming AV School Board were in the public…

Panther Soccer/Futbol 2011

Following the poor showing in the narrow victory over Point Arena, the Panthers had played another disappointing game against Sonoma Academy in a 2-2 draw…

Public Power In Mendocino

Among the flurry of bills just signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown was SB 790, a twenty page string of amendments to the Public…

Laura’s Law & Chemical Lobotomies

It’s extremely unlikely that having a Laura’s Law mental health program in Mendocino County would have prevented the shockingly tragic murders of Fort Bragg City…
