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Posts published in “News”

They’re Here, There & Everywhere

Alex Hurtado, a juvenile, will be tried as an adult on charges of attempted murder. Details are sketchy because Assistant DA Paul Sequiera says he’s…

Merengues, Shuffles, Snuffles & Stomps

After a musical performance at last week's Supervisors meeting, John Pinches remarked, “You are a lot more entertaining than we are.”

Off The Record

This Week: North of Cloverdale, "0 percent" political courage; A math error in Ukiah; Strange times in Point Arena; and much more

Farm To Farm

For years I always joked that my blue heeler bitch was going to leave me for a guy who had a pick-up truck. I was…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. I’m sure most of you will have been fascinated by the news…

Panther Soccer / Futbol 2011

Despite being mired in a poor run of three draws and a loss -their first defeat of the season coming ten days ago against Roseland…

The Efficiency Audit That Wasn’t

“There are things in here that you're probably going to say, Well, the Sheriff isn't happy with that. And you're probably right! I'm not very…

Crazy Cases

Here in Mendocino County, intoxicant capitol of the United States, there's a grape glut and there's a marijuana glut, both caused by too many people…

Marie, The Rest Of The Story

Old timers will remember Marie Helme, the mysterious older woman encased, rain or shine, in a black winter coat who we'd see gingerly making her…
