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Posts published in “News”

The Big Swindle

A READER WRITES: “What you and all of these latter day crusaders for preserving the sanctity of mediocrity (that has characterized county delivery of adult mental health services for a quarter century) seem to be…

The Midnight Rambler

The Board of Supes, on October 7th, is set to approve a contract for newly promoted "Interim" County Counsel Doug Losak. Losak had been "Acting" County Counsel since his appointment to that position on February…

Bird’s Eye View (Oct 1, 2014)

I have often thought that telling ourselves and each other what a wonderful community we have here in the Valley is something that is certainly true but, if repeated over and over, perhaps a little too self-congratulatory, and almost smug in my humble, and some might say, curmudgeonly opinion. I feel that simply knowing it, enjoying it, feeding off it, and adding to it, without frequently “shouting it from the rooftops,” no matter how true it may be, is a more agreeable way to enjoy and celebrate this undoubted gift we as a community possess.

A Crafts-Filled Weekend

Pottery exhibit, cloth-making presentation highlight local and Hawaiian cultures by Roberta Werdinger The Grace Hudson Museum will be abuzz with craft-oriented projects on the first weekend of October. As always, the Museum is open free…

Lakeport Art Opening: Marcie Ann Long

Join award-winning artist Marcie Ann Long at the Lake County Arts Council and Main Street Gallery, 325 N. Main St., Lakeport. On display over a three month period Marcie will change subjects monthly, starting with…

Asians & Abalone

Abalone poaching is a multi-ethnic enterprise, but the perception in Mendocino County is that Asians do most of it. Do they, or is it racism talking? Dung Tri Bui's all-white jury wasn't polled on their…

Fire & Water Out Of Balance

A few miles east of Mt. Shasta, in an area called Coonrod Flat, a McCloud River tributary called Ash Creek winds its way through this uplands meadow, which is dotted with ponderosa pines and incense…

Off the Record (Sep 24, 2014)

ALL I GOTTA SAY is some people have an awful lotta time on their hands. Seriously, by the time you got the costume on and all chained up to the wheel of love, wouldn't you just want to go to sleep?

Happy Anniversary!

The Anderson Valley Foodshed is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year! As the importance of eating and producing local food grows incrementally, so do the hands-on activities of the Foodshed. The 9th annual C’mon Home…
