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Posts published in “News”

Home Run Derby & Tri-Tip BBQ

Join us on Sunday June 7th at the Little League Baseball Field for our annual Home Run Derby / Tri-Tip BBQ. This is the biggest fundraiser for Anderson Valley Little League and just like all…

Smash & Grab

Back in 2007 Supervisor Colfax lead the charge to raise the Board of Supervisors pay from an already generous $48,000 per year to $68,000 per year, Colfax justifying the raise. “When I came on the…

Sierra Fest, Version 22/10

The 22nd annual Sierra Nevada World Music Festival returns to the Boonville Fairgrounds this month for the 10th time. Or, as the old cliche goes, time does fly when you're having fun. After a dozen…

Count Down — Nobody Home

Back in December when the 2015 “Point In Time Count” of Mendo’s homeless population was first discussed, the minutes of the Count Committee meeting stated: “Point-in-Time/Survey Committee: Hand warmers, rain ponchos and snacks [aka “incentive packs” or “little incentive bags” — It seems the homeless didn't spend the measly five bucks “appropriately”] will be given out in place of the $5 incentive [“gift”] card for responding to the survey.

Bird’s Eye View (Jun 3, 2015)

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. Normal service will be resumed next week. In the meantime here are some important announcements. Public Service Announcements. Calendars and pens at…

What’s Up at Coast Hospital?

Transparency has become a buzzword to serve the purposes of politicians or those who oppose them. In Fort Bragg, California, it is one of the rallying cries of citizens seeking the ouster of the mayor…

Off the Record (Jun 3, 2015)

TUESDAY NIGHT'S MEETING of the Fort Bragg City Council featured a parade of speakers swearing allegiance to mayor Dave Turner and urging each other to urge their fellow Fort Bragg residents not to sign recall…

Navarro Inn Day

A full day of events at the historic Captain Fletcher's Inn (ca 1865) on Saturday, June 6 culminates with live musical performances by three local groups. Dinner will be served starting at 5PM and music…

Autism Author Appearance

On Wednesday, June 17th, at 7 pm, Mendocino County Library, Ukiah Branch, is presenting Hank Smith talking about his newly published memoir, Sticks and Stones: A Father’s Journey into Autism “A child is diagnosed with autism…
