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Posts published in “News”

Off the Record (June 17, 2015)

EVERY DAY brings a fresh deluge of catastrophes, but the one in Fort Bragg on October 17th of 2014 is particularly memorable. A deranged man named Michael Bitney, 56, of shifting Oregon addresses, inexplicably drove…

Options, My Asphalt!

With the summer roadwork season already in swing, conflicting claims about the asphalt production capacity of the county are being aired, while two proposed plants remain in litigation limbo, and a the managers of the…

Pinoleville’s Pot Farm

Heads have been turning and phones have been ringing all weekend, as casual passers-by, cannabis farmers and concerned citizens attempted to discern what they were seeing on a two-acre parcel visible from US 101, just north of Ukiah.

Bird’s Eye View (Jun 10, 2015)

I thought I might point out a few of the things that I observed on my travels beyond the Valley and across the seas as being, in my humble opinion, noticeably different than here. This topic could be the subject of a lengthy book of course but for current purposes let’s just have a few of the obvious ones in a somewhat simplistic form.

Bicycle Roulette

Gabriel Ray is the man accused of “mowing down” five bicyclists on Old River Road near Hopland last January 30th. The 18-year old has been charged with five counts of assault with a deadly weapon…

Off the Record (Jun 10, 2015)

LAST WEEK, in Mendocino County Superior Court, the City of Fort Bragg presented its defense against a request for a preliminary injunction filed by a group opposing the City Council's decision to pass through State…

KZYX’s Annual Membership Meeting

As the pleasant sunny afternoon of May 4th settled into a mild spring evening, the KZYX Board of Directors met in Ukiah at the Space Theater for its annual meeting with its membership. Absent was…

Potter Valley Double Suicide?

On 06-03-2015 around 11:33 AM Mendocino County Sheriff's Deputies were dispatched to a remote property in the area northeast of Potter Valley, near the Lake County line, on Dashiell Ranch Road. The reporting party called…
