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Posts published in “News”

First Friday Film Nights

AV Grange & AV Film Club Join Together in Cultural Community Contributions at the First Friday Film Nite August 7th. The Anderson Valley Film Club and the Anderson Valley Solar Grange #669 are offering high…

Not Doing A Damn Thing About It

With dry conditions continuing across much of California, many of the State’s key fisheries are now at record low numbers and several species are in danger of extinction.

Off The Record (July 8, 2015)

THE RECALL of Fort Bragg mayor, Dave Turner, has stalled. Papers suspiciously not filed on time, too many “strong” personalities dominating recall meetings, alienating people unhappy with Turner's arrogant, heedless tenure, during which staffers have…

Last Week’s Island Mountain Raids

Last week’s tri-county marijuana cultivation raids in the Island Mountain area have drawn a lot of attention, not only locally but statewide. Mother Jones, the New York Times and many others have all taken note…

Bird’s Eye View (July 8, 2015)

Mild rumblings continue to circulate around the Valley regarding the new-ish barn alongside Highway 128 opposite Breggo Cellars that was constructed, according to “investigative reporter” David Severn, neither strictly to code nor its stated usage by owner Tim Mullins of Balo/LiveOak, etc.

Law & Disorder

It is alleged that Frank and Patricia Thomas had five greenhouses full of marijuana plants, 2,648 in all, 527 pounds of processed bud, 212 pounds of shake — which used to be of negligible value…

Reading Club, Aug 8

The Ukiah Library is hosting a Summer Reading Club for Teens & Adults: Join us for a discussion of I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai on August 8th at 11am. Pick up a copy at the Ukiah Library any…

Rainwater Catchment Class

August 1 - Learn how to access thousands of gallons of rainwater for garden and household. Rainwater harvest may have already caught your interest during this historic drought. Sign up and learn how, where, and why rainwater catchment systems are a valuable part of water security at properties around the world. This hands-on class will provide you the skills to install a basic rainwater catchment system, and the knowledge to comply with building codes.
