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Posts published in “News”

The Mystery of Graveyard Creek

One sunny day more than a few years ago, Don Pardini was working in Evergreen Cemetery when a couple of odd-looking bones caught his eye.…

More Money, New Slogans

The news we’ve all been waiting for has arrived: The causes and cures of homelessness are no longer a mystery, and in fact are simple.…

Anderson Valley in 1954 & 1955

The AV History Museum has boxes with actual copies of the Anderson Valley Advertiser from November 1954 through December 1985. Individual copies were sold for…

Salud Pebs

August 21, 2023 — Pebbles Trippet is in Tijuana about to undergo four days of stem cell therapy to treat Chronic Obstetric Pulmonary Disorder (COPD).…

County Notes: Incumbents & Candidates

Buried deep in Monica Huettl’s recent report in about the August Redwood Valley Municipal Advisory Council is the following statement which the very reliable…

Anderson Valley History Museum Packs a Punch

If you love local history and you love to do research the Anderson Valley History Museum is your dream come true. There are three buildings…

Death & Real Estate

Tensions suppressed during the elders’ lifetime usually emerge when their estates are adjudicated. If the deceased weren’t rich, these tensions go unnoticed except by members…

World To End If Workers Strike

Mendocino County employees have authorized a strike, and if you are weeping and worrying at their plight, or if you’ve been making sandwiches for unemployed…
