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Posts published in “News”

Joe Hill Finally Comes to City Lights

Everyone in San Francisco and beyond loves City Lights Bookstore and Publishing Company. At least every reader and bookish citizen or craves culture and community.…

The Squad

Jeremy Scahill, Matt Taibbi, Naomi Klein, David Yearsley, Ryan Grim… I think of these very good young journalists as young, but they're all in early…

‘Almost Immediately’

The highlight of Tuesday’s Board of Supervisors meeting was Vietnam Veteran Don Shanley’s statement to the Board dressing them down over their ill-considered and abrupt…

Alternatives To Palace Demolition

A lot of effort is being put into a local campaign to show how decrepit the Palace Hotel, a downtown Ukiah landmark, has become.  The…

PG&E To County: After Us, You’re First

By a far and wide margin, the single most significant item discussed at Tuesday’s (Feb. 6th) BOS meeting occurred in the waning moments immediately prior…

A Palestinian Poet Drops A Poetic Bomb

No doubt you have been hearing, seeing and reading the news from Gaza. You may have a clear understanding of what’s happening there. That’s all…

Preston House Memories

I was an active 4-H member of the Hopland 4-H Club in the 1950s. One of the activities I remember well is that the Mendocino…
