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Posts published in “Local News”

A Sad Outcome No Matter What

So Aaron Vargas is going to state prison for killing the Fort Bragg businessman that he and a dozen other Mendocino Coast men said had…

Charles Davis: May 15, 1960-May 20, 2010

You can be seven feet tall and known all over town, but if you die alone and nobody pays the San Francisco newspaper for an…

Old Uncle Scratch

Back on February 11th, the cops and the DA were talking about 51 pounds of methamphetamine and a warehouse full of marijuana, but last week in Ukiah that particular load of dope had shrunk to a couple of kilos of cran

Off the Record

IT'S NO SURPRISE that the County's retirement system is in trouble. Years of fishy accounting practices, more years of the fundamentally false assumption that capitalism…

Mendo’s Quirky Early Vote Totals

There were some interesting things about Tuesday's very preliminary election results which should not go unnoticed.

Happy Birthday CSD!?

By some counts this is the 40th anniversary year for the Anderson Valley Community Service District. Last winter directors approved a celebration of the event.…
