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Posts published in “Local News”

The Fisher Octopus

The Fisher family's roughly $10 billion in assets are spread across an opaque web of globe-spanning investments. One of their main money vehicles is Sansome…

The Poor Hippy Myth

The Mendocino County Grand Jury has published its findings on District Attorney David Eyster’s innovative Marijuana Restitution Program, called 11470.2, and in doing so this…

Off the Record (May 25, 2016)

MUCH EDU-UNHAPPINESS among parents with children enrolled in the Fort Bragg schools, much of it focused on Superintendent Chuck Bush and Bush's three stolid supporters…

After Measure U

When I entered this world the Macdonald family had already been engaged in the dual activities of cattle ranching and sheep herding for decades. On…

Bird’s Eye View (May 25, 2016)

With so much happening here for the Memorial Day weekend, perhaps we should reflect for a moment on the reason why we get this holiday to enjoy all of these events in the first place. It is to commemorate US soldiers who have died while serving in the military.

Lewallen Book Opening

[Jun 10] "Land of Frozen Laughter" Opening at Gallery Bookshop Dear friend, Barbara and I would love to see you at the new book opening…

Grace Liu Memorial

[Jun 4] 10am At the Temple of 10,000 Buddhas. There will be a movie of her life. Catered by the restaurant on site. RSVP please:…

Sanders Rally in Cloverdale

[Jun 3] Join Bernie Sanders for a rally in Santa Rosa/Cloverdale, California with special guest Susan Sarandon. This event is free and open to the…

Rebecca Johnson Open Studio

[May 28-29] Dear friend, art lover, studio visitor, I value your interest in art and hope you find the time to visit my studio this…

Judy Pruden Dedication

[May 26] Plaque honoring Judy Pruden to be dedicated on Thursday In addition to working tirelessly for her community, Judy never hesitated to honestly voice…
