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Posts published in “Valley People”

Valley People

A DRUNK, still not identified because he refuses to reveal his name, was driving a 2000 Dodge Dakota pickup truck he'd stolen in Fort Bragg when he and another vehicle were pulled over by a…

Valley People

THE GOOD NEWS. Garrett Mezzanatto, three-sport star athlete at Anderson Valley High School, sustained an ugly-looking knee injury in the final football game of the year versus Point Arena. He's been on crutches ever since,…

Valley People

ED SLOTTE, high school basketball coach, is breathing easier this week. Last week he had exactly five guys out for the varsity, this week he's got seven, none of them named Garrett Mezzanatto, at 6'4”…

Valley People

KATHY BAILEY says that the joint meeting she attended of the State Assembly Committees to re-visit Governor Brown’s and the Parks Department’s planned closure of 70 parks, eight of them in Mendocino County, went pretty…

Valley People

THE BALLOON GUY is back, and there are more than a few people in the Navarro area not particularly happy to see him. Last Thursday, Balloon Guy apparently launched himself aloft in his battered basket…

Valley People

KATHY VAN TASSEL of Boonville suffered major injuries Sunday morning about ten when her westbound 1994 Ford Escort unaccountably careened off Highway 128 not far from Navarro and rolled over. Ms. Van Tassel was taken…

Valley People

PEOPLE SAY DEATH comes in threes. I hope not. We've had enough of it around here for now. Peter Summit's sudden passing at age 32 hit lots of us hard, as the untimely deaths of…

Valley People

CHRISTINE CLARK remains at Howard Memorial Hospital in Willits where she is fighting off a persistent infection. An absolutely crucial Valley Person with many years of ambulance service and other good works too numerous to…

Valley People

ARTISTIC COMMENT on medical marijuana dispensaries found in downtown Boonville.
