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Posts published in “Valley People”

Valley People

FIRST THINGS FIRST. The Boonville vs. Mendocino football game is 1pm Saturday at Mendocino. There is no jv game. This one could be for the…

Valley People

CORRECTION: IN LAST WEDNESDAY'S print edition of the AVA, we incorrectly reported that Michelle Hanes, of the Hanes Ranch, Boonville, had died of a heart…

Valley People

THE SCANNER CRACKLED Monday with the ominous news that a woman at the Hanes Ranch west of Boonville had suffered “full cardiac arrest.” The next…

Valley People

BIG EXCITEMENT last Thursday evening in Hungry Hollow a little after 7 when deputies were summoned to sort out “a neighbor dispute.” Brandon Johnson, a…

Valley People

THE FAIRGROUNDS is ablaze in zinnias and bustle as the annual County Fair gets ready to kick off Friday and will run on through Sunday,…

Valley People

MIKE LANGLEY, 60, has died. The popular, long-time resident of the Anderson Valley, died from a heart attack at a Chico restaurant. He had been…

Valley People

GREAT SAVE last Thursday morning by Anderson Valley's firefighters backed up by CalFire. Anderson Valley Fire Chief Colin Wilson reports: “The ‘Deer’ incident near the…

Valley People

THE SMOKE drifting into Mendocino County on Sunday, heavily on Monday, dissipating on Tuesday is assumed to have come from large-scale fires burning in Butte…

Valley People

A CLOSER LOOK at the thuggish dismissal of Kathy Corral reveals that the overall survival of the Anderson Valley Health Center might be more precarious…
