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Posts published in “Features”

The Patient Doctor

My eye doctor for over 20 years, Dr. Clayton Ander­son of Ada, passed away this winter at age 80. Norman Rockwell missed out when he…

The Pope’s Brother: Those Regensburg Choirboys

Perhaps God is exacting his revenge on the Ratzing­ers and on Regensburg, whose cathedral boasted a famed musical establishment claimed by Franz Liszt to be…

Letters to the Editor

Advice for Sunkett, Duggles on V'Canto v. Green Door, Nader on health care and much more...

Valley People 3/17/2010

TERRI RHOADES runs the School District's crucial food service program. She also teaches cooking and home economics. It's fair to say that Terri is vital…

Off the Record 3/17/2010

This week: deVall & the 5th District Supes race, the Rural Legal Club, Mendo Branch, Tichinin's "Day of Action" and much more...

Where Have We Been? Where Are We Going?

Driving down the broad avenues of Cleveland, Ohio, was like flipping through the pages of a picture book about the rise and fall of our…

An Idiot Wind

Given my choice of movies, the execrable Michael Jackson puff piece/pseudo-documentary *This Is It* would have remained near the bottom of my list, but on…

Letters to the Editor

AN ATHEIST’S REPLY Editor: I always enjoy reading the letters of Lee Simon from Far’N’Away Farm in Virginia. His letter in the February 24 AVA…
