- Spiller Must Go
- Home Invaders
- Catch of the Day
- Wine Weirdos
- BHO Chemist Sentenced
- Holy ATM
- Hospital Board Suggestion
- AV Video
- Foodshed Dinner
- Anti-frack Song
- In the UDJ
- Berkeley Protest
- County Vacancies
- Mendocino Entertainment
MARK SCARAMELLA REPORTING: The Philo Grange was standing room only yesterday late afternoon, and the crowd was united in their support for the Anderson Valley Health Center's embattled staff over the Center's arbitrary administration.
SPILLER'S GOTTA GO, seemed to be the consensus view of the nearly 200 people who crowded into the Anderson Valley Grange Wednesday night to bluntly express their outrage at the Health Center board's decision to retain CEO Shannon Spiller but leave medical providers Dr. Mark Apfel, Dr. Logan McGhan, nurse Cindy Arbanovella and psychologist Jessica McIninch out in the cold. Health Center Board Chair Ric Bonner sat at the front table with organizers Heidi Knott-Gundling, Fred Martin, and Sheila Leighton, as local after local urged Bonner and his board not to wreck the Valley's only medical facility.
Most of the audience comments were refreshingly blunt and pointed, blaming the Board for management and leadership failures and demanding that Health Center CEO Shannon Spiller be replaced. When Bonner said that the board was trying to be "very prudent and cautious" by not taking any precipitous action, several audience members pointed out that the board hadn't shown any prudence or caution when they let Ms. Spiller unceremoniously fire Dr. McGhan on the spot last Friday night. Each of the former medical staff members got standing ovations as they were introduced, as did retired nurse Judy Nelson and former Dental Clinic administrator Kathy Corrall, who was herself unceremoniously fired earlier this year. Ms. McIninch read a prepared statement which she said represented the views of the four providers (Apfel, McGhan, Arbanovella and McIninch) saying that abruptly firing Dr. McGhan was "simply unacceptable." She said that when Ms. Spiller was a physician's assistant at the Center they got along with her reasonably well as a co-worker, but when she was promoted to CEO it was "wrong. She's not qualified, experienced or communicative enough for the job, and she micromanages A LOT." According to McIninch Ms. Spiller required the medical providers to waste at least an hour every day documenting what they had done that day. She tried to enforce a dress code "in Anderson Valley?" added McIninch, as she stood next to Dr. Apfel who looked like he'd just come in from doing some gardening. "Shannon considered disagreements to be insubordination," continued McIninch, which then led to Ms. Spiller issuing ultimatums to whoever was deemed insubordindate. Ms. Spiller also caused the resignation of well-regarded nurse Stephanie Long a few weeks earlier, added McIninch. "We are willing to come back, but for us to come back it will require the removal of Ms. Spiller," declared Ms. McIninch to a loud round of applause from the audience.
When Dr. McGhan was introduced, he described the current situation as "very stressful. But I'm overwhelmed that so many of you would come out to show your support. It's way beyond my expectations." McGhan then spoke a few words in highly polished and expressively fluent Spanish, addressing them to the several dozen Mexicans in the back of the room, and removing any lingering doubt about his bilingual abilities.
Several people wanted to know what the timeline for dealing with the problem was. Board chair Bonner replied that it would be "soon" which he said meant, "several weeks," because "we have to deal with the short-term as well as the long-term."
This produced a series of demands from more audience members that “weeks” would be too long since the clinic has almost no medical staff at the moment.
It fell to Valley Elder Tom Burger to point out that, "We need better people on the board. You selected the CEO that everyone is unhappy with, and now you expect us to believe that this board can select the next CEO? That's crazy. It's a formula for disaster."
Several people pointed out that no other board members, except newly appointed Claudia Jimenez who was in the audience but not answering questions, were even on hand for the meeting.
Yorkville's Jim Rutherford said, "I hear you talking about being cautious and looking at the long-term, but nobody looked at the long term when Logan McGhan was fired."
Another round of applause.
A man behind me I couldn’t see grumbled somewhat under his breath, “The short term is get rid of Spiller; the long term is after that.”
Beverly Elliott of Floodgate wondered why Ms. Spiller didn't simply resign. "How could she want to continue under these circumstances?," asked Elliott. "She could resign and save us all the trouble and the clinic could go back to providing medical services."
There was a lot of discussion about what leverage the community actually has given the insular nature of the board, concerned citizen committees, new board members, special subcommittees of the board to address specific groups or problems, more involvement of medical staff in decision making, personnel policies, legal liability, proper process, and better and more open communications, and less secrecy... None of which seemed to faze Bonner and produced no response at all.
Board critic and eminence gris Gene Herr told the group that the public didn't have any real power because the board makes their own rules and does only what they choose to do. They don't even provide useful financial reports.
The reporter in the room asked when the next board meeting would be, where it would be held, and what the agenda would be.
Chair Bonner replied that it would be Tuesday, October 28 at 5:30pm in the conference room at the Health Center. Several audience members responded that the Health Center Conference room was way too small. No response from Bonner.
Bonner said he hoped to have an agenda available by the weekend. But when people asked where the agenda would be posted, Bonner said he wasn't sure — "the website hasn't been working very well lately."
Gene Herr pointed out that that's because "Shannon Spiller fired Torrey Douglas and the webpage has become out of date. There have been zero communications from this board."
Bonner somewhat laughingly suggested that it seemed like all he had to do was give the agenda to Gene Herr and it would get plenty of distribution, causing some giggles in the room, since Ms. Herr has become locally famous for sending out numerous and at times lengthy Health Center reports and emails to a long distribution list.
As the meeting broke up, several people asked Dr. McGhan if he had plans to leave the Valley under these crummy circumstances. McGhan promptly responded, "No. I've already bought my firewood."
* * *
GENE HERR'S UPDATE TO THE MAILING LIST: AVHC meetings re personnel crisis: I just sent a longer message which disappeared. FYI, Board will meet in closed session on Tuesday, at 5:30 to discuss personnel crisis. Probable community meeting Wednesday at 5:30 place TBA tomorrow. No word yet on Medical Staff decisions on any action. Write your opinions to the Board or show your support for medical staff at the clinic. More later.
* * *
ANOTHER MAILING-LIST COMMENT: Thanks to all for a good meeting. Thanks to Heidi for her clarity, diplomacy and strength, and thanks to the very civilized and intelligent audience! It makes me so proud to be a part of this community when we come together for something like this or the benefit for Charlie S-P and Mark P.
I wanted to register one more reinstatement request: it came as a great surprise to me that Torrey Douglas was fired as webmaster. As you all know, there has been no updated information since July.... because there has been no webmaster. Torrey is the webmaster for my site and many many others in the valley. I cannot recommend her highly enough. She needs to be reinstated as webmaster immediately.
As Ric said, nobody does news dissemination better than Gene Herr but if they are to rely on her communication skills, the Board should be paying her.
* * *
TORREY DOUGLAS RESPONDS: Thanks for the props, Mary Pat. I appreciate it.
I do need to correct a few things, though. There have been updates on the site since July. Check under Announcements in the navigation. A couple months ago I met with Maxence Weyrich, the student rep on the board, and trained him to do the updates for AVHC moving forward, a wise cost cutting move for them, and not uncommon.
Also, as of early summer I've been moving websites off my servers so that I can stop providing hosting. This does not mean I will providing web design and maintenance, but that I will no longer provide and be responsible for the site's "parking place". AVHC was one of the sites that needed to be moved, and they opted for a local web professional (whom I like and admire) who will provide both hosting and web maintenance once the site transitions to him. It's understandable that they want one person to provide both services, which I no longer do.
AVHC has treated me with respect and fairness in my dealings with them. Like you I'm unhappy to hear about the poor treatment of the staff, and hope the providers are reinstated soon. We need to put our energy there.
On Wednesday, October 22, 2014 at approximately 7:00 AM, Deputies from the Mendocino County Sheriff's Office were dispatched to a reported suspicious vehicle parked blocking a dirt driveway in the 9000 block of Colony Drive in Redwood Valley, California. The vehicle was described as a white "Tahoe" and a partial license plate was provided. Due to recent past home invasion robberies, and other suspicious incidents in Redwood Valley, a high priority was given to this call. All on-duty Sheriff's Office patrol personnel responded to the area in search of the vehicle. Deputies located the described vehicle in the 9500 block of East Road. The occupants of the vehicle were identified as James Molina Rodriguez Jr. (Hayward), 41, Haskell Ray Story Jr. (San Leandro), 45, and Angelo John Pacheco (San Leandro) 37. Two of the occupants were wearing camouflage clothing and all three occupants were found to have marijuana residue on their clothing as well as mud on their pants and shoes. A search of the inside of the vehicle turned up a replica handgun with an attached laser sight, a small amount of methamphetamine, tools used for breaking into buildings or cutting marijuana and a large amount of marijuana residue. Due to the totality of the circumstances and information obtained during the investigation, all three occupants were arrested for conspiracy to commit robbery, possession of a controlled substances, and being under the influence of a controlled substance. Anyone with additional information regarding any potential robbery or burglary in Redwood Valley or the Ukiah Valley is urged to contact the Mendocino County Sheriff's Office Dispatch Center at 707-463-4086, as this investigation is ongoing.
CATCH OF THE DAY, October 22, 2014

WILLIAM ADDISON, Atlanta/Willits. Pot cultivation, processing, possession for sale.
KEVIN BANKS, Ukiah. Parole violation.
DEMETTRICE FAIRFAX, Garberville. Receipt of stolen property.
JEREMY FERGUSON, Ukiah. Drunk in public. (Frequent flyer)

NELSON GIST, Garberville. DUI-Drugs, vehicle theft, receiving stolen property.
BOYD GOODRICH, Ukiah. Probation revocation.
ROBERT HANOVER, Covelo/Willits. Child endangerment.
GERARDO HUERTA-ROMANO, Talmage. Pot cultivation, processing, possession for sale.

BAGANO MUNOZ-GOMEZ, Talmage. Pot cultivation, processing, possession for sale.
FREDERICK PIKE, Hopland. Probation revocation.
ISRAEL ROMANO, Ukiah. Pot cultivation, processing, possession for sale
MONIQUE SANCHEZ-HOGAN, Ukiah. Pot cultivation, processing, possession for sale.
ROBERT SANDERS, Napa/Ukiah. Drunk in public.
WINE WEIRDOS compare Eleanor of Acquitane to raw goat milk!
A tenant who caused a drug-related explosion which resulted in a Holly Street rental property being fully engulfed in flames was sentenced Wednesday morning to three years in state prison. David Madrigal, Sr., age 39 of Willits, stands convicted of feloniously and recklessly causing a fire of a structure. Madrigal was ordered to pay fire suppression costs. Final restitution to the landlord and his insurance company was reserved for later determination. After a brief stay to say goodbye to family members, Madrigal was taken into custody Wednesday afternoon to be transported to the reception center at San Quentin to commence serving his commitment.
During the evening hours of March 1, 2014, Willits fire and police personnel responded to a fire on Holly Street. While fire suppression efforts were underway, it was reported to the police that the tenant known to live at the house was seeking medical treatment for burns at Howard Hospital. Initially blaming an unknown stranger he saw in his yard, Madrigal said he could only remember a “huge explosion” and “giant fireball” which he claimed knocked him out. Though claiming to have been knocked out, Madrigal also claimed that he tried to put out the fire, failed in that effort because of its size, and left to walk to the hospital. Responding agents from the Mendocino Major Crimes Task Force determined that a butane honey oil (also known as hash oil) extraction lab had been in operation at the residence. The process used in making BHO (butane honey oil) is extremely dangerous to human life and property, and this lab had exploded causing the fire. After further questioning by the Task Force at the hospital, Madrigal admitted he was operating the BHO lab just prior to the explosion at the same residence where he and his family lived, and that he was selling the finished product in the local community. In his letter to the court, Willits Fire Chief Carl Magann expressed safety concerns. “I believe that anyone who willingly releases butane gas into the tight confines of an enclosed building, complete with an operating heating device, attached to an occupied building, is creating an unjustifiable, objectionable, and substantial risk, especially when that exposure includes children,” wrote Magann.
District Attorney David Eyster agrees with Chief Magann and confirmed his no nonsense policy relating to these types of home-made labs. “Mendocino County criminals who put lives and property at risk by manufacturing honey or hash oil will feel the full force of the law if they survive the explosions,” said Eyster. Deputy District Attorney Daniel Madow, the prosecutor who personally handled the prosecution of Madrigal, expressed his appreciation after court to Fire Chief Magann and his Little Lake District firemen for their fast response to hold the fire in check until extinguished. Madow also thanked the Willits Police Department and the Task Force for their investigative work. Under the Realignment laws, Madrigal is eligible to earn up to 50% credit against his 36 month prison commitment. Assuming all credits are earned, it is believed that Madrigal will be paroled from prison back to Mendocino County in approximately March 2016, then to begin a period of formal supervision under the watchful eyes of a local parole agent.
(District Attorney’s Office Press Release)
My thanks to Malcolm Macdonald for his recent column concerning the Coast Hospital Board of Director candidates. There will be no concrete changes on the Board; the usual corporate approach to management is top to bottom. Many times I've written to the Board of Directors with these suggestions and received absolutely no response.
The people at the "bottom" work front lines every day, yet there's no acknowledgement of their vital experience or input. These people have a wealth of information which would educate the Board and we the public. Why are these experiences not included? Why are people at the "bottom" doing the hardest work most at risk of losing their jobs? Janitorial/cleaning staff is nearly nonexistent; CNAs are highly experienced with the most interaction with patients, yet they are also paid low wages. If the Coast Hospital Board truly wants to partner with the public, they MUST get out of their safe offices and LISTEN to the entire staff.
Elizabeth Ryan, Fort Bragg
ANDERSON VALLEY: “The Middle Of Nowhere.”
This is your opportunity to hear from, and talk to, the farmers that produce the food, while supporting the work that the Foodshed does. It's always a rewarding experience. Hope to see you there.
The Boonville Hotel and Table 128 present:
~ A Dinner to Benefit Anderson Valley Foodshed ~
In Celebration of Local Farmers and Local Food!
Sunday October 26th
Featuring food and drink sourced entirely from Anderson Valley
Appetizers at 4:30, Dinner at 5:30
$55- $125 Sliding Scale
(Includes 4 course meal, wine, beverage, tax and gratuity)
Please Call 895-2210 * space is limited
Climate March, Neil Young has shared with Democracy Now! an acoustic recording of his new song, "Who’s Gonna Stand Up." http://bit.ly/1v0MTfS
Ukiah Discusses Public Safety Measure Benefits
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Agencies Prepare For Ebola Outbreak
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As Predicted:
by Dan Bacher
In the home of the Free Speech Movement at the U.C. Berkeley campus, students got a rude awakening when what they describe as an administrator "with clear political motivations" shut down the Beehive Collective's art project on drought and Proposition 1, Governor Jerry Brown's $7.5 billion water bond.
This year marks the fiftieth anniversary of the Free Speech Movement. In the conclusion of Mario Savio's class speech, before Free Speech Movement demonstrators entered Sproul Hall to begin their sit-in on December 3, 1964, the late Savio said:
"We have an autocracy which runs this university. It's managed. We asked the following: if President Kerr actually tried to get something more liberal out of the Regents in his telephone conversation, why didn't he make some public statement to that effect? And the answer we received -- from a well-meaning liberal -- was the following: He said, 'Would you ever imagine the manager of a firm making a statement publicly in opposition to his board of directors?'
That's the answer! Now, I ask you to consider: if this is a firm, and if the Board of Regents are the board of directors, and if President Kerr in fact is the manager, then I'll tell you something: the faculty are a bunch of employees, and we're the raw material! But we're a bunch of raw material[s] that don't mean to have any process upon us, don't mean to be made into any product, don't mean to end up being bought by some clients of the University, be they the government, be they industry, be they organized labor, be they anyone! We're human beings!
There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can't take part; you can't even passively take part, and you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop. And you've got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you're free, the machine will be prevented from working at all."
These prophetic words become even more chilling and real 50 years later, after the passage of the Patriot Act and the NDAA, the coordinated, brutal suppression of the Occupy movement across the country, the surveillance and political repression at UC Davis and other campuses, the militarization of the police and security forces, the NSA spying scandal and the increasing attacks on Freedom of Speech and the Constitution under the presidency of a "constitutional" lawyer.
In a stand for the First Amendment, students at the University of California, Berkeley brought the Beehive Collective’s art project on drought and Prop. 1 on Tuesday, October 21, to the steps of Sproul Plaza, where 50 years ago students demonstrated for their right to disseminate political materials. From 2-5 pm, the Beehive Collective displayed their art and informally told the stories of their pieces to the gathered students.
"The event highlights the privatization of water across Mesoamerica and the potential for water privatization in CA under Prop 1 - and was originally scheduled as an event at the Gill Tract Community Farm," according to a news release from Students for Engaged and Active Learning (SEAL). "This community farm was won through Occupy the Farm’s acts of civil disobedience protesting the privatization of this land, and is now the site of a partnership project between the community and the College of Natural Resources at UC Berkeley."
The students said the event was shut down with a week’s notice by Steve Lindow, the first researcher to do field trials of a Genetically Modified Organism (GMOs), who is now the Executive Associate Dean in the College of Natural Resources.
Lindow claimed that the art show was “not relevant to the research at the community farm," despite clear connections between the Beehive Collective’s work on drought and industrial agriculture, the students reported. Water bond opponents have criticized Prop. 1 as a sweetheart bill for water-intensive industrial agriculture.
The students said the event had been approved with strong support from community members, students, and the farm’s events working group. This was the first interference in farm events from the administration - and students feel that it is a clear example of repression against free speech on campus, with political motivation.
"We were there Tuesday because the administration shut down the event about the privatization of a natural resource, water, at the site of resistance against the privatization of land," said Paula Jaramillo of Students for Engaged and Active Learning (SEAL). "We were shut down by someone who actively privatizes life itself through patenting GMOs."
"Prop. 1 is known as a sweetheart initiative for Big Ag and the event was supposed to take place at Gill Tract, where we are seeking to find sustainable alternatives to industrial agriculture, and it was a perfect site to have this event. It was a shame the administration denied the students this opportunity - and it was complete repression of freedom of speech because of a political motivation," Jaramillo explained.
“The Beehive Collective, named after an important pollinator, is of absolute relevance to the research of the Gill Tract Community Farm," confirmed Sakura Saunders, Beehive Collective Member. "The Beehive Collective, which has a long history of creating art work that represents the negative ecological impacts of GMO crops and monocultures, was set to present on a topic relevant to all farmers within California: water."
"Specifically, the group aimed to bring a critical perspective on a water infrastructure bond, Prop. 1, which will appear on Californian’s ballots in the upcoming election. It is a shame that this timely and politically-relevant talk could not go forward as scheduled, even after posters were distributed listing the Gill Tract Farm as the venue," she emphasized.
I have left a phone message at the office of Steve Lindow, Professor and Executive Associate Dean, College of Natural Resources, and I'm still waiting for his response.
Students for Engaged and Active Learning, Fossil Free Cal, and Students Against Fracking supported the event. The event at the Gill Tract had also received the support of Food and Water Watch, a national consumer group that has endorsed NO on Prop 1.
More about the Beehive Collective “Sucked Dry” Storytelling:
California is in the midst of a historical drought, the most severe the region has had in the last 500 years. This water crisis has devastated resources, with several communities facing the prospect of running dry. A number of projects advocating infrastructure development such as the BDCP and Prop 1 have been proposed as solutions for the state, but are they truly in the interests for all? What are their impacts to our drying rivers and reservoirs? Fisheries and communities?
Drawing inspiration from struggles against large-scale infrastructure projects throughout MesoAmerica, the Beehive collective’s larger than life art pieces are engaging lessons in political education. This informal storytelling event will guide students on a visual journey touching on the local and the global struggle for control and protection of water.
The Beehive Collective and the No on Prop. 1 coalition are currently on a tour of California, Sucked Dry: Examining Drought and Privatization from Mesoamérica to California, to bring their arguments for a sustainable water future and against the water bond to Bay Area residents in an interactive events in the Bay Area.
“Prop. 1 is one more shovel of dirt on the grave of our salmon, crab and other Pacific fisheries,” said Javier Padilla-Reyes, No on Prop. 1 field representative. “Building more dams to hold water we don’t have is misplaced spending and harms the businesses, families and communities that depend upon our salmon, crab and other fisheries.”
Beehive Collective’s Ryan Camero said, "Our graphics are a great way to spark conversations about complex matters like the current water politics of California.”
The Beehive Design Collective is an all-volunteer organization of activists, artists, educators and organizers. Their main focus is creating and presenting graphic works about global issues.
For more information: go to http://www.noonprop1.org
Schedule of "Sucked Dry" Events
- October 23- Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History w/ UC Santa Cruz 705 Front St. Santa Cruz CA 95060
- October 24- SLO (San Luis Obispo) Linneas Cafe 1110 Garden St. San Luis Obispo CA 93401 7pm-9:30pm
- October 25- Santa Barbara (TBA)
- October 26- Los Angeles Hollenbeck Park in Boyle Heights w/ Food and Water Watch (Daytime) 415 S. St. Louis St. Los Angeles CA 90033
- October 27- Ventura The Lab (Nighttime) 11137 Azahar St Ventura CA 93003
- October 28- San Bernardino Black Flame Collective (Nighttime) 360 W. Orange Show Ln. San Bernardino CA 92408
- October 29- Bakersfield (TBA)
- October 30- Fresno Anvil Art Gallery/Manchester Experiment 3302 Blackstone Ave Suite G 203 Fresno CA 93726 5pm-8pm
- October 31- Davis Delta of Venus Cafe 122 B St. Davis CA 95616 Starting at 1pm
- November 1- Redding (TBA)
- November 2- Sacramento (TBA)
- November 3- Stockton Huddle w/ With Our Words, DeltaFusion, Restore the Delta and others 235 N San Joaquin St. Stockton, CA 95202
- November 4 - Sacramento Sol Collective 2574 21st St. Sacramento CA 95818
e-mail: pollinators@beehivecollective.org phone: 209-683-8879
The Mendocino County Executive Office is accepting applications for anticipated vacancies on the following Boards or Commissions:
- Community Development Commission (1) 5th District Representative
- Little River Airport Advisory Committee (1) Non-Pilot
- Mendocino County Resource Conservation District (1) Long-Term Director
- Mental Health Board (1) 5th District Consumer Family
Hit and Run Theater in November
Mendocino Stories and Music Series welcomes back Hit and Run Theater & Friends for two nights of improvised fun, games and stories. They will play at the Hill House of Mendocino on Friday & Saturday, November 14 & 15. The players are Jill Jahelka, Ken Krauss, Doug Nunn, Kathy O’Grady, Christine Samas, Dan Sullivan, and Steve Weingarten. Joshua Brody, “just maybe the greatest improv comedy keyboard accompanist”, will join the gang for this weekend. The shows will start at 7:30PM.
Special feature for this weekend’s engagement is a Song Improvisation Workshop for beginners … and the terrified!” led by Joshua Brody, music director for San Francisco's BATS Improv. The workshop will be held Saturday afternoon at the Hill House from 1 – 4PM, $30 in advance, $40 on Saturday.
This weekend is supported by Arts Council of Mendocino, a member organization that promotes the arts and cultivates creativity to benefit and enrich the lives of residents and visitors.
All Ages Welcome! Doors open at 6:00 PM for bistro menu and full bar, Theater opens at 6:30PM. Come early for best seating. You can reserve seating for $20. General admission is $15 at the door. For more information about the shows and the workshop call Pattie at 937-1732 or www.mendocinostories.com/events_info.html
Song Improvisation workshop on November 15 at Hill House
Mendocino Stories and Music Series will present a workshop on November 15, led by Joshua Brody - “Song Improvisation For Beginners ... And The Terrified! Joshua has been teaching song improvisation for over thirty years. The workshop will be held at the Hill House of Mendocino, from 1 – 4PM.
Want to sing? Think you can't? Or do you just want to learn another way to make music? Starting with the very basics — breathing, ear training, vocal production — students are led gradually and painlessly through all the elements that go into making a song. The spring workshop was a great hit, with rave reviews.
Advance reservation required to guarantee a spot. Cost of the 3-hour workshop is $30 in advance, $40 on Saturday. For more information about the workshop call Pattie at 707-937-1732 or www.mendocinostories.com/events_info.html
Thanks to Mark Scaramella for a succinct and accurate report on last night’s community meeting at the Grange. I did attend but for those of you who could not be there this report is the next best thing.