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Posts published in “Features”

Off the Record 2/24/2010

This week: Lintott's glamour shot, a Kent State Truth Tribunal, Angelo enters CEOdom, Hamburg on medipot and much more...

Valley People 2/24/2010

DEPUTY CRAIG WALKER had no trouble the other day picking up a good natured male pit bull in Navarro. The deputy soon deposited the animal…

Letters to the Editor

WHO’S THAT POUNDING? To the Editor: On January 28th at about 2:15pm I was taking a shower. About 15 minutes later there was a loud…

Valley People 2/17/2010

BLACK ELVIS? Bill Taylor writes: “A few nights ago, Wednesday, February 10, around 9:30pm as it was after our AV chorus rehearsal, I was driving…

Valley People 2/10/2010

BLACK ELVIS LIVES! The nifty carving disappeared two weeks ago from its long-time pedestal across the road from Jack's Valley Store. Black Elvis had been…

Off the Record 2/10/2010

This Week: The cost of blather, the return of Craig McMillan, Mendo's insta-chlor press releases and much more...

Letters to the Editor 2/10/2010

BLEEPS DEFENDING BLEEPS Dear Editor, The word niggardly, whether it’s an a or an e, or ending with dly, who gives a bleep? We knew…

I Want a New Lawyer!

To whom it may concern, My name is Glenn Sunkett. I am an African American citizen and Oakland California resident who is being illegally detained,…

Bird’s Eye View By Turkey Vulture

 Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comforta­bly then I shall begin. Well, they did it again! Yes folks, Gloria Ross, “The Bishop of…
