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Posts published in “Features”

Culture of Narcissism

“Every age develops its own peculiar forms of pathol­ogy, which express in exaggerated form its under­lying character structure.” — Christopher Lasch A few weeks before…

The Boonville Art Walk

Celebrating his first anniversary in Boonville, this reporter strolled the 14th Annual Boonville Art Walk last Saturday, July 10th. The day was sunny and hot…

Valley People

DEPUTY SQUIRES said Tuesday that "there's more dope out there this year than any of us have ever seen." Last year, Sheriff Allman told us…

Off the Record

This week: Ann Moorman & the end of the $99 club, Kendall Smith's ethics problem, Willits' mythical bypass and much more...

Letters to the Editor

SOMETHING SHE SAID? Dear Editor, What I don't understand about the “Scourging of Helen Thomas” is why no one mentions freedom of speech. Isn't this…

Stone Mountain

Stone Mountain just east of Atlanta, Georgia is an enormous granite dome, five miles around at the base, circled by sheer gray cliffs which rise…

Genuine Praise

“The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by the play instinct acting from inner necessity. The creative mind plays with…

Valley People

GUESS WHO'S coming to Navarro? Walter Trout, a blues guitar man impresario Dave Evans describes as “Guitar Shorty times ten. This guy will rock the…
