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Posts published in “Features”

Letters To The Editor

NO SUPERBINKIES Hi Bruce Well I am overjoyed that Japan is going off the absurd nuclear power track. Nuclear is the great hope, banking the planet's future on a toxic power source that really is…


“When we deeply understand that actions bring results, it can motivate us to take active responsibility for our actions and our lives.” — Joseph Goldstein Planting time: kale, lettuce, carrots, peas, beets, broccoli. Hearty potato…

River Views

Recent River Views recounted the feud between the Frost and Coates families of Little Lake, the 1867 gunfight that killed Elisha Frost and five Coates men, and the subsequent violence of Frost family members. Mart…

The Luck Of The Iris

I was on the scary side of 65 when I started noticing newsprint a bit blurry, as if my lens was smudged. So I’d clean my glasses, thinking these plastic lenses are nice and light,…

Valley People

A LOGGER was killed early Monday morning at the Navarro end of the Masonite Road. No details of the accident have been released, but we have learned he was employed by Shuster Logging, he 50…

Mendocino County Today: May 23, 2012

PIXIE REPORT. A.Z. writes from Miranda: “Hi, well I knew she would make it to Garberville someday,...she was in front of Shopsmart supermarket bumming money,with a big white dog,and a friend.Their truck is broke down…

Mendocino County Today: May 22, 2012

WALKING from the Ferry Building to the ballpark Saturday morning, a naked guy on roller skates zipped in and out of the Embarcadero's heavy pedestrian flow. He made two passes through us peds in the…

Mendocino County Today: May 21, 2012

TRAVIS T. HIP from the KSAN days has died in his sleep. Services will be held next Saturday (26th of May in Silver City Nevada. A READER sends along this accompanying note: From his perch…

Mendocino County Today: May 20, 2012

SUMMER DOPE SEASON got off to a spectacular start Friday morning when a Humboldt County task force raided a 16,465-plant garden near Garberville. Locals, as they joked about how long it took the cops to…
