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Posts published in “Features”

Where Were They When It Counted?

The weekend before Thanksgiving, as the Taliban fled into the Hindu Kush and America’s children flocked to Harry Potter, the nation’s opinion formers discovered that…

Water Works

For the past three years, I’ve been urging the Board of Supervisors to assert their leadership, via the dormant county Water Agency, in the critical…

Tenth Mountain Mule

We led mules, one GI to each mule, just another exercise for us and the mules and none of us knowing where we were headed…

Frank Cieciorka: Art as Weapon

Frank Cieciorka is the male half of Alderpoint's only two-artist household and Karen Horn is the female half. Although their journeys to Humboldt County's eastern…

Karen Horn: Artist in Residence

Karen Horn and Frank Cieciorka arrived in Alderpoint by different paths, but paths much like those trod by many of us as we retreated north…

Mendo Hometowns a Little Guy Logger

On September 5th, the Mendocino County DA’s office issued this press release called: “Timber Operator Convicted of Violating Forest Practice Rules.” “On August 31, 2001,…

Ticklin’ Daddy’s Toes

Gotcha! I’ll bet that title has just enough of an Ew! Gross! ring to perk up everyone’s prurient interest. Now, the big letdown. The Daddy…

Let’s Have a DNA Party

A DUMB but inadvertently revealing story in last week's edition of the East Bay Express tells us that the Bari-Cherney legal team, as part of…

Notes On The Week That Was

USEFUL background reading: "Among the Believers" by the novelist V.S. Naipaul, an account of Naipaul's 1979 trip through the Islamic countries of Malaysia, Indonesia, Iran,…

Four Boonville Boys and the Cop’s Wife

Nobody disagrees on the basic facts.  There is fundamental disagreement on the particulars. The facts.  It was Tuesday, the last day of July, two weeks…
