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Posts published in “Features”

Mendocino County Today: February 27, 2013

REMEMBER CHRISTOPHER SKAGGS? He piled into a redwood at Navarro last November after a high speed chase that resulted in an officer being flown to an out of the area hospital for the injuries he…

Off The Record

LOOK FOR A LIVELY pro-gun rally in front of the County Courthouse this Friday at 5pm. Organizer Dan Kuny said Monday, “We're not with any organized group. Just local, law-abiding people angry about how we're…

Valley People

OUR CROWD COUNTER said 120 people attended Monday night's school board meeting in the high school cafeteria. As you probably know by now the school board voted 3-2 not to renew Jim Tomlin's contract as…

The Wonderful World Of Online ‘Debate’

Anybody foolish enough to spend much time reading online comments on any remotely controversial article or news story knows that this is one way to despair of modern humanity.


Mom and pop gold panning is enjoying a rebirth in California. I examined a few videos about stream panning, and decided instead to renew my interest in ocean beachcombing after Googling, “What’s more expensive than…

Mendocino County Today: February 26, 2013

LOOK FOR A LIVELY pro-gun rally in front of the County Courthouse this Friday at 5pm. Organizer Dan Kuny said Monday, “We're not with any organized group. Just local, law-abiding people angry about how we're…

Mendocino County Today: February 25, 2013

THE STATE JUDICIAL COUNCIL has put off funding the new Mendocino County Courthouse for another year, fiscal year 2014-15 to be exact. The money for a new courthouse in Ukiah keeps getting diverted into the…

Mendocino County Today: February 24, 2013

HOW ONE SENTENCE Saved Me from Living My Whole Life as a Well-Meaning Hick By Hank Sims I often think it must be easier to be a white guy, but truthfully it ain't easy being…
