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Posts published in “Features”

Mendocino County Today: March 3, 2013

LAST WEEK Friends of the Gualala River (FoGR) announced that they were celebrating the announcement that The Conservation Fund (along with several other well-heeled environmental conservation groups) has agreed to purchase the 20,000 acre Preservation…

Mendocino County Today: March 2, 2013

WILLITS BYPASS: You know, for the entire 40 years or so that I have been lucky to call this county home, I’ve been struck by the absurdity of the perpetual traffic jam on 101 as…

Mendocino County Today: March 1, 2013

FUGITIVE SURRENDERS to MCSO at Ukiah hotel after a stand-off with the Mendocino County Sheriff's. — After a two-day search, authorities on Wednesday arrested Walter Kristopher Miller, 42, of Ukiah, who allegedly shot at a…

Letters To The Editor

ASSASSINATION NATION Editor, I believe killing people with drones to be profoundly immoral-alas. This nation is deeply invested in killing people in this manner and we are building ever more bases around the world to…

Mendocino County Today: February 28, 2013

WALTER MILLER, 42, has not been apprehended. We had it wrong in the print edition of this week's AVA. He's on the loose. Miller has been identified as the man who opened fire on a…

How One Sentence Saved Me From Living My Whole Life As A Well-Meaning Hick

There were upsides to growing up in Willits in the 1980s — an enduring appreciation for Mötley Crüe’s first album, all the free shade leaf you could smoke — but there were downsides, too. I’ve been thinking about one of those downsides this week, what with the news and the commentary and all.

To The Heartland

When the money ran out, we packed up and headed back to the states. I confess I was a little sad to leave Paris and the relative safety of the situation. The gang had insulated…

River Views

Last week’s AVA contained a letter to the editor from a spokesperson for a group that calls itself “Friends of Enchanted Meadow (FOEM).” FOEM presently seeks $15,000 in donations for a matching grant to preserve…

Homeless Forum

Unable to attend the forum on the homeless that was held in Mendocino near the end of January, I did read the three articles in the Mendocino Beacon that reported in some detail and with…
