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Posts published in “Features”

Uncle David

My uncle David Walton died in China on March 8 at the ripe old age of eighty-seven, just a week ago as I write this, yet I have already received an email with photographs from…

River Views

I read Bruce Patterson’s recent letter to the AVA with interest, particularly his reference to the possibility of Mendocino Redwood Company turning one of their stagnant mill sites into a biomass fueled power plant. MRC…

Off The Record

MS. MEREDITH SEIFERT of Willits appeared as Man Beater of the Week a few issues ago. Meredith called Tuesday. She was justly unhappy. Charges had been dropped but her gallant ex was cyber-casting our item…

Valley People

THE MENDOCINO COUNTY FAIR, based in Boonville, is struggling. State subsidies have been slashed, and the Fair, much anticipated every Fall by thousands of people and central to life in Mendocino County for three-quarters of…

Mendocino County Today: March 27, 2013

BIG ORANGE ON THE RAMPAGE by Will Parrish Since Thursday, CalTrans' destruction along the southern portion of the proposed Willits Bypass route has been unrelenting. The roughly 1.5-mile long and 200 foot wide swath where…

Mendocino County Today: March 26, 2013

MONDAY AT THE WILLITS BYPASS by Jennifer Poole, Willits Weekly Caltrans contractors continued work along the bypass route over the weekend in Willits, felling trees and clearing brush in multiple locations. All three tree-sitters…

Mendocino County Today: March 25, 2013

THE 12-YEAR OLD GIRL who went missing Thursday morning was safely found at a relative's home in Santa Rosa on Sunday. Jenica Fredrick was reported missing to the Lake County Sheriff's Office (LCSO) in the…

Mendocino County Today: March 24, 2013

BYPASS PROTEST UPDATE by Jennifer Poole, Willits Weekly Initially, seven protesters who didn’t leave were arrested Thursday morning, and later that afternoon. Warbler is still sitting high in the Ponderosa pine tree off Highway…

Mendocino County Today: March 23, 2012

DAN GJERDE, newly elected 4th District supervisor, provided crisp, to-the-point answers to several questions we put to him this week: AVA: Are you commuting to Ukiah from your home in Fort Bragg? GJERDE: I sometimes spend…
