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Posts published in “Features”

Mendocino County Today: March 22, 2013

WILLITS WEEKLY'S CAT LEE reporting from the CHP press conference Thursday regarding the Willits Bypass and related protest(s): Eight arrests, no violence, no resistance, no destruction of equipment or damage to land. Protesters transported to…

Cool Hand Jet All The Way

It was in early adolescence that I first began to feel as if I were disappearing — actually discorporating. At times I felt insubstantial, airy. I thought I could feel wind blowing through me. My…

Letters To The Editor

WHO’S IN THE POOL? Editor, Thursday, March 14, at 1pm, Mendocino County Treasurer, Shari Schapmire, convened a “Roundtable Discussion” of the Mendocino County Treasury Pool. We met in Conference C at the County Administration Center…

Mendocino County Today: March 21, 2013

WILLITS BYPASS? Hard to understand. The traffic through Willits is an embarrassment always and impossible on weekends. You can avoid through-town traffic by turning right at Brown's Corner and going over to Center. Can short-cut…

River Views

The dog that wouldn’t die and the dog story that won’t quit — that’s what is currently bedeviling the Fort Bragg Police Department. The good news: a long time flophouse/drug house has been cleaned up…

Route 66

As I peruse the many articles decrying the ruination of towns and independent businesses by big box stores such as Walmart, and I read about Ukiah groveling at the feet of Costco and wasting millions of precious dollars to bring that destructive horror show to town, I recall that the largest assault on the remarkably diverse and egalitarian America of the 1960’s (egalitarian compared to America in 2013) was the construction of the Interstate Highway System

The Thrill Of The Now

It was fitting that Rafael Puyana, the Colombian harpsichordist who died on March 1st in Paris at the age of 81, should have made his debut — on piano — in 1945 at the Teatro…

Mendocino County Today: March 20, 2013

SUPERVISOR JOHN PINCHES, according to Willits News staff writer Linda Williams, told the Brooktrails Community Services District last Tuesday that at least one supervisor favors removing Brooktrails completely from the Teeter plan, but that he,…

Off The Record

ABOUT 75 PEOPLE opposed to Caltrans’ plans for a bypass around Willits responded to a “high alert” call from Save Little Lake Valley to show up Monday morning starting at 7am at the tree-sit site…
