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Posts published in “Features”

Mendocino County Today: August 25, 2013

ROOSKIES AT HENDY WOODS, Take Two: We've learned that there is indeed a group called Camp Skala that does have almost all of the camping slots at the park reserved over the Labor Day weekend.…

Mendocino County Today: August 24, 2013

ALL THAT FISH AND GAME commotion at Little River yesterday (Thursday)? An abalone study off of Van Damme State Beach, not an abalone bust. ============================= LAST WEEK SUPERVISOR DAN HAMBURG issued a press release announcing…

Mendocino County Today: August 23, 2013

STATE PARKS has apparently rented all the camping spots at Hendy Woods to a Russian evangelical group over the weekend, much to the chagrin and even outrage of locals. The Rooskies are said to be…

Mendocino County Today: August 22, 2013

THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE, Eureka, at 2:14 this afternoon issued a severe thunderstorm warning for northwest California, particularly the eastern areas of Humboldt County and all of Trinity County. Doppler Radar “indicated a severe thunderstorm…

Off The Record

SUPERVISOR PINCHES said Monday that he won't run again for 3rd District supervisor. "I never considered myself a politician, nevermind a career politician. I've been in the job 12 years and that's enough," the popular…

Valley People

THE SMOKE drifting into Mendocino County on Sunday, heavily on Monday, dissipating on Tuesday is assumed to have come from large-scale fires burning in Butte County and three fires well north of the Mendocino County…

Fruit Bats

This is one of hopefully many letters from Myanmar discussing what I am seeing and experiencing as an aid worker or English teacher in the midst of a complex ethnic struggle.

Snake Bites & Sex Changes

My favorite sister was the middle child of five. For want of a boy on their third try, my folks issued her the male spelling of a name they’d already selected: Kerry Lynn. Born at sunrise…

Mendocino County Today: August 21, 2013

THE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVSORS met in Fort Bragg last Tuesday to hear an appeal of a State Parks proposal to remove the remnants of the old Haul Road between Ward Avenue and the Ten…
