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Posts published in “Features”

Mendocino County Today: Saturday, Oct 18, 2014

New Doctor Fired;
Discretionary Donations;
Seeking Taniguchi;
Central Committee;
Palace Reprieve;
Police Reports;
Catch of the Day;
Killer Mouse;
Foodshed News;
Sausalito 1969;
Excessive Speed;
Pieces of a Man;

Mendocino County Today: Friday, Oct 17, 2014

Giants Win Pennant;
Pesticide Drones;
Religious Homecoming;
Pot Knox;
Vincent Benedetti;
Iacuaniello Blather;
Costco Questions;
Catch of the Day;
Highway 20 Turnouts;
Kuczynski Art;
Primal Mates;
Republican Spotting;
American Hysteria;
Wonderween Ukiah;
Schlesinger Lecture;
Solar Party

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, Oct 16, 2014

Game Four;
Moron Week;
Catch of the Day;
Ukiah Remodel;
Dark Carnival;
Ted Gullicksen;
Frack Contamination;
Safe Water;
Dating Profile;
KZYX Birthday;
Heyday Books;
Fallen Angel;
Tsunami Wednesdays;
Yasmin Memories;
Halloween Boogie;
Wodetzki Recommends;
Consider Woodhouse;
War Protest;
Ain't No Wheels on this Ship

Valley People (Oct 15, 2014)

AT LAST the four-mile stretch of Highway 128 between Boonville and Philo is being repaved. Nearly two years ago, Caltrans had scraped and pitted the roadbed then, for mysterious reasons known only to Big Orange,…

Letters (Oct 15, 2014)

I would like to address an article recently written in the AVA by Will Parris [sic] addressing some work of mine referenced in his article. Mr. Parris suggests my referenced article somehow ignores the continuing issues affecting water quality in Clear Lake.

Off the Record (Oct 15, 2014)

WHEN ELAINE Matthews, 72, was arrested Monday night at her Little River home for an alleged assault on her boyfriend, James Meacham, 65, we took one look at her booking photo, her background, her age,…

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, Oct 15, 2014

Thrown Game;
Bay Guardian;
Three Storms;
Boss Viewing;
Catch of the Day;
Rainbow Walker;
Airport Theft;
Question Writing;
Loose Shoes;
Raid Investigation;
War Blues;
Pro S;
DIY Windmill;
Risen's Book;
Civic Heroes;
Economic Contagion;
Whither Protest;
Con S;
Not Breathing;
Reckoning Time;
Big Oil

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, Oct 14, 2014

GJ 4 Susan;
Drowned Diver;
Arson Suspect;
Cardinal Soccer;
Ghetto Safeway;
Quake Watch;
Bagman Contempt;
Catch of the Day;
Algal Distinctions;
Rail Details;
Astronomical Talk;
Boycott KZYX;
Sue Hoya Sellars

Mendocino County Today: Monday, Oct 13, 2014

Wong's Walk-off;
Ab Casualty;
Class Too Popular;
Mendo Representatives?;
Catch of the Day;
Holly Wrong;
Hamburg Engaged;
Christian Soldiers;
Northcoast Rail History;
Harvest Season;
25 Years Ago;
Angels of Death;
Catholic Hero Day
