KEN HURST of Greenwood Road and a Valley old timer, was perched on the very top rung of a 12-foot ladder last Wednesday morning trying to pluck the last apple of the season when a…
Posts published in “Features”
Sonoma County's most prominent (and most expensive) defense attorney, Chris Andrian, couldn't keep 27-year-old Lyndsay Murray-Mazany out of three years and eight months in the state pen.
The history and highly unusual arrangement of Mendocino Community Network owned and operated by Mendocino Unified School District has come up for discussion recently among certain limited circles on the Coast. Since some people continue…
FIRST THINGS FIRST Letter to the Editor, If you value Deputy Sheriff patrols and service write or call the Board of Supervisors (501 Low Gap Road, Room 1090, Ukiah, CA 95482; 463-4221; ) and…
In 1958 a young Rupert Murdoch, then owner and editor of Adelaide's The News, wrote: “In the race between secrecy and truth, it seems inevitable that truth will always win.” His observation perhaps reflected his…
In 1980 I was living in San Diego and I got a phone call from Andy Brody who was down in Mexico City with his girlfriend, Estrella. They were supporting themselves by teaching English. He…
“The Summer of Love, protests to be civil and a rainbow of counterculture. Whether you started here or put flowers in your hair, grabbed a drum and hitched a ride on a painted minibus, Camel…
Five years ago, a few weeks before I made my move from Berkeley to Mendocino, I came within a few inches of being killed by a young man who was driving his pickup truck very fast while simultaneously using his mobile phone.