A few years ago our fine editor Bruce Anderson and I read the same article in a popular monthly magazine about steroids and competitive amateur bicycle racing. The article was written by a man in…
Posts published in “Features”
THE AV HEALTH CENTER really is in trouble. Big trouble. Some of it their own doing, of course, via an overly grand building expansion, but it's got to be saved because it is vital to…
This Week: The Rev is flabbergasted; The Pot Cops get ready; The Libs take on foreskin; and much more
The title may sound like an after-midnight softcore porn on Cinemax, but The Desert of Forbidden Art is a magnificent documentary that tells the story of one man’s relentless search to track down lost Soviet-era avant-garde paintings from artists whose lives and employment were in constant peril under Stalin’s regime.
The French are for the millionaire. The Americans are for the maid. Among the French, three out of five think the IMF’s former managing director, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, has been framed. (Strauss-Kahn tendered his resignation as…
On Christmas eve, 1967, John announced to the others, “Creedence Clearwater Revival.” It was to be their new name after coming through high school as the Blue Velvets, then christened the “Golliwogs” by their record company a couple of years earlier.
Pinko terror-symps and the “rule of law” gang may cavil and whine at the lack of legal propriety in the execution of Osama, but it’s not cutting much ice with liberal America. For long years…
I am sorry, I said, many many times over the years, that your band has not made a half-decent record since 1972 — you know, “Exile on Main Street,” if you recall that one.