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Posts published in “Features”

Mendocino County Today: April 12, 2013

RAUL ENRIQUE LULE, 43, the married father of two children, died Wednesday at the Redwood Empire Sawmill in Cloverdale. Reading between the lines of the scant press release announcing the accident, Lule seems to have…

Mendocino County Today: April 11, 2013

TAKE THIS, PHIL Subject: FW: Caltrans: "Dan Hamburg says 'move forward' on Willits bypass" From: "Dan Hamburg" <> Date: Wed, April 10, 2013 2:14 pm To: Cc: "Anderson Valley Advertiser" <> "'K.C.…

Letters To The Editor

BYPASS DEBACLE Editor, Caltrans' bulldozers bulldoze more than wildlife and migratory bird habitat. Big Orange – Caltrans bulldozes the law just as thoroughly. Because ninety percent of U. S. wetlands have been drained for agriculture…

River Views

April 10th is our publication date, quite a day in journalism history. First we have to go back to 1866, when a gangly 19-year-old Hungarian immigrant handed his last five dollars to a slick, fast-talking…

Dr. Bull’s Musical Alchemy

The intemperate genius John Bull was born in either 1562 or 1563. Let’s choose the later of these two possibilities and duly celebrate 2013 as Bull’s 450th. In contrast to the archetypal Englishman John Bull,…

What Really Happened?

The very first course that Norman O. Brown taught when he arrived at UC Santa Cruz in 1968 was Myth & History and I was among the lucky people to hear him deliver that series of lectures. I was also privileged to meet with Norman in his office on two occasions to talk about various things, notably the fifty-page manuscript I composed in response to his lectures.

Mendocino County Today: April 10, 2013

COUNTY SETTLES DOPE CASE WITH FEDS After a closed door session with the Board of Supervisors yesterday afternoon, the County Counsel's office issued this statement: "The Mendocino County Board of Supervisors and the United States Attorney's…
