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Posts published in “Features”

The Endless Detention

Days turn to weeks, weeks to months and I think back to when I was first arrested by Border Patrol agents in Texas and told…

Made in China

They glide silently through the Golden Gate, ships so large they briefly obscure great swathes of Marin as they move deep into the San Francisco…

Maxwell’s Hammer

I'm a retired teacher and a reporter for the Sonoma County Free Press and have been investigating the bombing of Judi Bari since 1995. Below, I've prepared a summary of my investigation and a description of some new evidence

Book Notes

Frank Bardacke writes... "What a splendid book The Mendocino Papers is. Haunting might be a better adjective. It reminds me of the world of Juan…

Heads Roll at Free Speech Radio

Mendocino County's marijuana controversy got its best airing yet when free speech made a rare, hour-long appearance at the county's public radio station last Thursday…

The People’s Ball

“I am running for President because I believe that to actually make change happen — to make this time different than all the rest —…


Dear AVA, I am appalled at the complete lack of mainstream corporate-media coverage of the 2008 Winter Soldier hearings (held last week in Maryland). These…

Culture Notes

A reader writes: "I was enjoying my weekly hit but what to my amazement my wandering eyes should appear — 'I drove off to where…

Steve Talbot Comes to Boonville

Steven Talbot, featured at last weekend's Second Annual Boonville Film Festival, is best known for his award-winning work as producer of PBS's Frontline series. This…
